mp3 found poetry meme

Dec 03, 2008 23:18

Borrowed from tree_and_leaf:Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.

My mp3 player only has a couple of short stories on it at the moment, so I tried it with my "Music for Canning" playlist on the computer. (The fact that I have such a playlist says a lot about how essential music is to Getting Anything Accomplished in Our Kitchen!)

Is There for Honest Poverty

Sing hey! for the bath at close of day
To the heavens above us O look and behold
Come all you jolly fellows, come listen to me song
Farewell we call to hearth and hall

He was the captain of the Nightingale
The standard on the Braes o' Mar is up and streaming rarely
There was no one like him, horse or foot
Shepherds, arise, be not afraid

I'm a forester in the woods and ye're the same design
I do not look for holy men to guide me on my way
Wha will ride wi' gallant Murray, wha will ride for Geordie's sel'
A damsel possessed of great beauty, as she stood at her own father's gate

And can it be that I should gain an interest in my Saviour's blood?
Come all ye jolly shepherd lads that whistle through the glen
Light of the world, thy beams I bless
Who would true valour see, let him come hither

There is a land beyond the stars
Sunset and evening star, and one clear call for me
There were six and six nobles rade roon Banchory fair
As we marched down to Fenario.


Hmmm...well, it's no worse than some of my teenage poetry-writing attempts, anyway :)

The songs are:

The Bath Song (The Tolkien Ensemble & Christopher Lee, At Dawn In Rivendell)
An Astrologer's Song (John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Naulakha Redux: Songs Of Rudyard Kipling)
Double Sledder Lad (Jim Payne, Wave Over Wave)
Farewell Song Of Merry And Pippin (The Tolkien Ensemble & Christopher Lee, At Dawn In Rivendell)
The Flowers of Bermuda (Stan Rogers, Between the Breaks… Live!)
The Standard On the Braes O' Mar/The Haughs O' Cromdale (The Tannahill Weavers, Cullen Bay)
Follow Me 'Ome (John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Naulakha Redux: Songs Of Rudyard Kipling)
Shepherds Arise (Oak, English Folk Anthology)
The Forester (Norman Kennedy, English & Scottish Folk Ballads)
A Pilgrim's Way (John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Twiddlum Twaddlum)
The Athol Gathering (The Tannahill Weavers, 2006-Live And In Session)
Gallant Hussar (Eliza Carthy, Rough Music)
And can it be (Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band, Sing Lustily & With Good Courage)
When The Kye Come Hame (The Tannahill Weavers, 2006-Live And In Session)
Light of the world (Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band, Sing Lustily & With Good Courage)
Who would true valour see (Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band, Sing Lustily & With Good Courage)
Gloryland (Waterson:Carthy, Holy Heathens and the Old Green Man)
Crossing the Bar (Jeff Warner, Jolly Tinker)
Glenlogie (Shepheard, Spiers & Watson, They Smiled As We Cam In)
If Ever I Return Pretty Peggy-O (Jack Himshelwood & Sharon McCrum, If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O)
A Man's a Man' for A' That (Old Blind Dogs, Play Live)


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