Aug 16, 2002 00:44
Only the most wonderfulest line of a song EVER sang in the entire being of the world. And dammit it all if I don't think that I've done just what the line says. I think that I have done damn great things this summer for myself. I am no longer obsessing about every little aspect of my life, and definately no longer obsessing over 'the one who shall remain nameless.' So bravo! Bravo for me! I realize this the other night when I was out with my friend, we got to talking, and we just started talking about getting past stuff and how we do it etc...and I realized that I'm not hanging on to shit anymore..nothing. And look how much better it is...I had a little bout of sadness last week, I think it was preschool blues, if there is such a thing LOL. Now I see myself talking to other people about their problems and stuff, and it makes me feel great that I've survived something that was horrible for me....or at least survived it enough so that I can bestow some sort of wisdom on other people because of it.
Anyways....I have packed more things for school. But yet my room doens't seem to be getting any emptier. Strange, eh? I still can't wait to go back though, I am very excited for the one acts, and excited to just be back there. I have every darn thing that I need to go back, now I am just buying things that I don't really need, but want. I am going to get some dishtowels at Target tomorrow I think...they were cute, all striped and stuff. Maybe not, I'll have to see how I feel. I just need to get an oil change for my car, and that's it! Woohoo, I feel so...completed heehee. I know for sure that I won't use all this junk that I am bringing to school with me, but the good part now is that I have a trunk, which means I can shuck whatever I don't use into there and take it home with me whenever I end up going. That way I don't have to make a place for it in my room, and my room won't get all cluttery and stupid looking. I know, very good.
Sadly, I have to work tomorrow. I highly enjoyed having three days off in a row from Farmer Hell. I have to work tomorrow and Saturday. I can't say that I am thrilled that I told them I would work this week coming up, but I guess it will be nice to have a check to get in two weeks. I am interested to see what days they will have me working next week. Probably one or two...and maybe none....who knows..they are so unpredictable. I am just happy that I don't close tomorrow, I get to leave at 11:30, not 12:15. Hey not closing is not closing, no matter what time it is, right?
I am very much a happy girl that it is not as hot out right now...I mean it gets somewhat muggy in the afternoon but the sleeping weather is really nice, and I even get to use my comforter sometimes, which is even better. It says on the weather channel web page that it's supposed to stay this way at least till next Saturday, I hope it does.
I rented Crossroads.....I'll admit it to the world. And, I even LIKED it!! Can you believe it? I didn't want to make fun of it, except like two times, which is pretty good for me. In the beginning she is supposed to be a little kid, and they got her younger sister to play that part. That irritated me...I was just like 'oh man, you've got to be kidding me!' But no, they weren't. I just thought it was really lame of them, but I guess who better to play you as a child then your own little sister. I am watching it a second time right now, so that I can try to catch things that I didn't see the first time. Britney's not that bad in the movie, she's just not a good singer. Oh well, I guess we can't be good at EVERYTHING now can we?
Anyways, I'm really tired now, so I am going to go to sleep. I have to get my check in the morning, and try to find a cashier who has enough money in their register to cash it..that should be an ordeal in itself.