Multifandom Yuri Festival: A fanfic exchange for all f/f pairings

May 20, 2014 08:49

Multifandom Yuri Festival: an LJ-based fanfic exchange that welcomes yuri ships from all fandoms.

Pairing Nominations || Rules and FAQ || Pairing Promotion + Chat


May 5th/20th, 2014 - Pairing nominations.
May 22nd/30th, 2014 - Sign-ups.
May 31st/June 3rd, 2014 - Admins match the participants to each other and contact everyone.
June 3rd/July 3th, 2014 - Participants write fics for their recipients, and submit them by email.
July 4th/8th, 2014 - In case any corrections are needed, participants fix their fics and resubmit them.
July 9th/13th, 2014 - All fics get published at the community by the admins, little by little.
July 14th, 2014 - Fic masterlist goes up.
July 20th, 2014 - End of the exclusivity period.
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