I really, really needed E to nap today, or at least cooperate and stay in her room for the 30 minute quiet time. But no on both counts. Charlie doesn't usually have nearly the problem with her popping out of her room a billion times when he supervises quiet time. I should probably just change my whole tack and not give her Mommy milk, since it
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The book I ordered was under $10 and an impulse buy after a desperate day. :-) I like the number of activities it had, and the general idea of it. I'll let you know how I like it once it gets here! I'm planning on getting the Montessori book you've mentioned before, too, and http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/159160236X/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1M49DTA6QS4GN8ZATBP4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1389517282&pf_rd_i=507846 this one, which is recommended in The Well-Trained Mind. I'm reading that now, and really enjoying it -- it's basically a plan of how to homeschool using the classical method. I don't think I'd go completely that way, but it has a lot of good ideas, anyway, so it's giving me a lot to think about.
I was going to ask about the Oak Meadow book! The sample pages talked about a structure that was interesting to me, but I think I've worked out something that will work for us at the moment. The first three chapters might just be background explanation -- hopefully it gets better soon!
The literature package for Before 5 in a Row, I think, just sends you a random selection of the books, whatever they can get ahold of. I've been able to find all the books in the Montana shared library system, so I'll be able to get all of them, I just might not have a whole lot of say over when they arrive. The three that are out of print and, like, $80 on Amazon are all at the same library, which is a school library and not one of the ones that we have a regular courier service agreement with, but I'm still able to put a hold on them.
I really, truly need some kind of a break during the day, or I'm completely unable to do anything other than turn on the TV for the last part of the afternoon. She still falls asleep in the car if we're out around 1 ish, and is completely exhausted by 5 or so if she doesn't nap, so I really think she still needs it. I just can't make it happen anymore. Yesterday was so frustrating because she was almost asleep about three times and SO tired, but just kept getting whatever she needed to fight it off. I'm going to add music and books on tape to quiet time and see if that helps. Today actually went pretty well.
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