I'm Gonna Write an Ebook. I must be Mad!!!!

Mar 08, 2012 01:10

So, as of today I have decided I'm going to write an ebook. In a month to boot. Yes, that's right: a month! Found this "How to.." blog and well, I want to try it! I've always loved telling and hearing stories so I figure, why not???

But I need some help and input cause its been quite a while since I tried writing an original story. I have a few ideas and am curious to know which one people like best.

Idea 1: A romance with a twist between a single mother and a vampire that focuses on forgiveness, mercy, and sacrifice. Not your typical vampire story.

Idea 2: A Civil War era story told from the POV of a dog whose Master goes away to war

Idea 3: A futuristic story about a young woman struggling to survive in a fallen, decaying world and her spiritual journey. Inspired by a short ficlet written by a dear friend

Opinions? Thoughts?

What kind of story would you love to read?

Please tell me!

EDIT: I have decided to wait until next month to begin this project because I have another story, a SPN/TVD crossover, that needs to be written for the Supernatural Crossover Big Bang challenge first and, well, lol, splitting my attention between two stories doesn't work for me.

Thank you so much for your thoughts my friends! :)

story ideas, ebook, challenge

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