Who Am I - Les Miserables - Masterpost

Apr 15, 2013 23:10

Title: Who Am I
Author: roselani24
Artist: queenmidalah
Genre: angst, friendship/family, drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a little while.
Warnings: References to past child abuse and violence
Summary: Javert has always known who, and what, he was. He always did his duty with the upmost diligence. There had not been such a policeman as Javert so wholly devoted to the law and justice. But what if he lost all those memories of himself? What then? 2012 Movie-Musical based AU with added details from the book.

Story Notes: This story was was written for the 2013 angstbigbang. The story occurs after Jean Valjean has fled from Montreuil and has just retrieved the child, Cosette, from the Thenardiers. Javert is chasing him and he leaves from the town with post haste, bound for Paris in a fiacre or carriage.

Author's Notes: First I would like to thank my Lord, Jesus Christ for his great blessings and endless mercy and grace. I know this story would have never been completed as it has without Him. I therefore dedicate this story to my Lord Jesus Christ. I would then like to thank my artist, queenmidalah for her lovely cover art, wallpaper and icon. You can see them all here. I would also like to thank my dear friend, laughtersmelody, for her last minute beta work on this piece. Thank you so much!!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

fanfic, amnesia, angst big bang 2013, inspector javert, jean valjean, cosette, les miserables, master post, 2012 movie-musical, fandom: les miserables

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