
Dec 05, 2007 01:00

yes I still exist, lol. Just have ignored LJ for a while for facebook and myspace, and oh, yeah, LIFE!

Things are going amazing with David, he is easilly one of the most romantic and fun men I have ever met and he treats me as an equal while still making me feel like I'm the most important person in the world to him.

For those of you who don't know who I'm referring to, back in early October I was browsing OkCupid looking for quizzes and he randomly messaged me and we got chatting, after realizing that we could talk for hours on end and debate without getting petty and bickering I realized we connected on a really odd level. We met about 2 weeks after talking and just over a month ago he officially asked me to be his girlfriend and I decided, hell, why not give this relationship thing another try. The rest has been history, and wonderful. He's 22, has his bachlors degree with a double major in physics and biology and his minor in math, and is going for his PhD in biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. And he has really, really beautiful long hair and blue eyes that are just swoon worthy. Also, he's a huge gamer and uber nerd. Ironically, he's Catholic, though he is much more open minded and isn't the type to disreguard another's beliefs because they don't match his. In fact, we like to have hours and hours of discussions about our beliefs and its fun to see where there are intersections and similiarites that most would just ignore. And he is just plain wonderful to me, I couldn't be happier with another person right now and its great to take things slow with someone, to know that everything we do means something, that every moment is cherished, that it isnt just a baby step to get to something bigger.

At work things are going quite well, a little stressful but I like the challenge. I'm learning to be more assertive and more sociable and I am working my ass off to get another promotion. I'm actually believing in myself for once and thinking I not only deserve the position of power I have, but that I deserve and am qualfied to be even more, I actually feel myself to be a valuable asset to my department and don't just think I am another disposable drone. Yes, I have my moments where I dislike what I have to deal with but overall I love my job. I love my little cubicle, the people I have met and chat with on breaks and the feeling I get when I know I am actually helping someone, to know that what I am doing is actually worth something.

Home has been an adjustment but I like it. I;ve gotten used to the fact of living alone, and actually enjoy it. I enjoy having my space and my freedom and my cats give me endless supplies of giggles and cuddles. The boys have become quite close kittle buddies and Jynx did so much better with bringing Gizmo into our family then I thought he would.

Things with Jeremy have turned out infinitely better then I could have imagined. We still talk on nearly a daily basis and I am overjoyed to see how happy he is right now and how right he is with Kelly. Its stunning to be able to freely express that we were great together, but that we are truly better as best friends and not lovers and to know that we have both found people who fit with us so much better. Its great to know we can still trust each other, and actually understand and turn to each other with a stronger bond then we ever had before. Not to mention it is an amazing feeling to know that I could Love someone and yet truly move on from it and openly start a new realationship with the optimisim that things could only get better from here.

Things with my family have been good and bad. Dad is not really doing much better, in fact he is sadly starting to deteriorate at a scary rate. I was so happy to get over my issues with him and love him again and be daddy's girl, but it makes the pain of watching him fade hurt that much worse. Really, I just want him to be alive long enough that if I ever get married that he can walk me down the aisle and I can dance with him, but I am accepting the reality that it may not be able to happen. He never really came back from the accedent last year.
Mom is doing a LOT better since her surgury. She still has her bad days and still has some issues with clots and with her ankles but she seems a lot happier. She and dad are getting along really well, he even kisses her goodnight and flirts with her sometimes. Its kind of cute, even if he is driving her nuts by following her around the house all the time. He even bought her pearls for thier wedding anniversary. Scary, I know.
Debbie is still my second daddy, and even introduced herself as such to David which I found hilarious. She has helped mom through a lot of her stuff and I am endlessly grateful for what she has done for my family. She also finally bought herself a house which is great.
James is doing great. Thankfully he got rid of that bitch Melissa (who in honor of her title was enough of a skank to hook up with his best friend) but is now back with Danni, who I've said ever since he dumped her for Melissa that he should have never left her. Danni is an amazing girl, and my brother is happier and a more positive person with her in his life. My brother shines on his own and she just makes him glow, and I couldn't be happier for him right now.  Like I told him, fuck this one up again and I won't just accept it and keep my mouth shut. Shouldn't have kept my mouth shut the first time but I foolishly gave the skank the benifit of the doubt that she wouldn't screw him over again.

So all in all, life is going really well, even if it is that awful season with the lack of light. I don't really update this much anymore but I am on facebook and myspace so if any of you really want to keep tabs on me that's where I am more often.
Oh and because I know some of you will demand pictures, I'll post them now and save you the typing :P

me and david

david and the new baby Gizmo

the boys sleeping

and a recent, though blurry picture of me
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