+ cleaned and reorganized my craft desk. got rid of a lot of trash and junk, it is all clean and open <3<3
+ new bras. i desperatly need new ones, and i have been too broke to get any (big boobs = big bucks). my mom drove my to the bra store and got me three new ones, thanks mom.
+ beer with parents last night.
+ went to the verizon store, and they are replacing my centro. the speaker has kinda been going out, and it was one of those things where if they couldnt fix it, it was no big deal, but would be great if they could. i should get my new one by monday.
+/- still waiting on my old navy order. come now, please.
+ pretty good thrift store shopping yesterday. got a new brita for frank, it was $4, and everything was half off!! i also got a really nice handmade afgahan for a dollar!! i also got a jar to put our homemade pickles in, and a fun little pyrex jar that matches the rest of my collection.
+/- been checking classes nearly everyday just to make sure that my classes dont fill up. i dont register untill next friday, so that is making me a little nervous.
+ tuition might be
going up again, yay. we already had a 10% hike, so i am really discouraged right now. i am giving public school one more year, and if things are still getting worse, i might just have to suck it up and transfer to a private.
+ posting again on
my tumblr, mostly just crafty stuff that i am jealous of.
+ south carolina next saturday. trying to find fun things to do while i am out there, any suggestions on website i could look stuff up on?
+ pretty sure i am going to get some new jersey time in, but i am keeping it on the dl, i think i might just surprise my little cousins.