House finale...

May 23, 2011 21:11

I'd rant about it but... I'm not entirely sure what happened. Maybe it's just me. I'm leaving this unlocked on purpose in case someone who is sure what happened happens to drop by and feels like explaining it to me.

House cut his leg open (did they explain that and I was tuning out or something, or what?) (ETA: They explained it in the last episode, and I somehow missed that episode and didn't realize I missed an ep at all... Weird, sorry about that.) And then failed to communicate with Cuddy (like that's anything new...) And Cuddy decided to date this kind of creepy guy (what the hell, Cuddy? Then again he's better than House...) So House got all whiny when he saw the Patient of the Week being in love and then he saw Cuddy with maybe-not-so-creey-guy so he ran his car into Cuddy's front window. And Cuddy wanted him arrested, showing a bit of her old intelligence... and Wilson seemed ready to forgive House because... I dunno, he's Wilson, and House could cut his leg off and he'd be all "Oh, gee, House, why'd you do that..."

And then House was at the beach. How did he get to the beach? I mean, yeah, I realize there are beaches in New Jersey but what the fuck? Why wasn't he surrounded by police by then? Was he hallucinating again?

Also Taub got two women pregnant at the same time. I'm pretty sure I did follow that one OK. Didn't Dudley Moore already make that movie?

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