(no subject)

Feb 10, 2013 23:22

so i'm 19 and today I broke up with my first boyfriend (this is the internet though and i feel like just starting to date later in life is kinda a trend now lol) because he told me he missed having sex and flirting with other girls and also because I'm "too much wife material" and he's just "a college boy right now."
Ugh whatever. he wasn't husband material so we weren't really on the same maturity scale I guess.
it still kinds of suck though. i got so close to having a date for valentine and we never got to go dancing. and i was too worried about our relationship being fragile (even though it lasted from thanksgiving to now) for us to take cute photobooth or camera phone photos...which makes me sad. yolo tho right?

I miss fandom though! College is going well (i'm at a small private art school for fine arts specifically video and photo). I like it but I get homesick a lot. I find myself google street viewing home and talking to my mom and sisters every night. I write letters with my friends back home and skype them.
I don't party and I got all A's last semester so that's good.

I'm reading "Even cowgirls get the blues" because one of my good friends from home said I have to read it. I'm also reading two art books on Herb Ritts because his photography is amazing and inspiring.

real life, update, drama, tmi, annoying, family friends

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