(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 22:18

I finished the lost hero


I will edit this later with an actual list of fav/dislike parts of the books, and random thoughts. Really random and jumpy thoughts. Be warned

  •  This sounds totally wrong but i love the relationship-friendshippy thing betwen Nyssa and Leo. 
  • Best part of the book was when Silena and Charlie were mentioned. Oh my gosh , they were so good for the camp. So good.
  • I feel robbed by RR. I just read a 500 plus page book and basically forced myself to read through the parts that didn't have Percy (aka all of them) or anyone else that I knew before from Camp Half Blood. 
  • Why didn't we see Grover at all? Coach Hedge was nice, but i really miss Grover. 
  • All this hype about the two roman/greek hate is totally hype and myth in my mind. It seems like everyone loved Jason from the start. Drew definitely did. 
  • I totally flipped when Jason was like 'my last name is grace.' ...But i did not buy the fact that Thalia just randomly told us she had a brother. I mean really? Did RR even plan this before he decided to write it? It was a little too far fetched tbh. 
  • Jason bothered me tbh. I don't really like him at all, really. And the only time i liked him and Piper was when she spoke to Drew and acted all bad assed. 
  •  Could someone please write a fic/drabble where Luke comes back from the underworld and him and Thalia get a chance to see each other? I mean really, RR went into detail saying 'mortals who hate the gods' were coming back from the dead. Hello? That is Luke. Definitiely. Ok, so maybe it was luke before he died, but it was him at some point, so that counts, yes?
  • I'm very glad that Jason wasn't just a nico cop out where they are like "hiiii we were just hiding out in the lotus casino LOLOLOL". 
  •  I missed Clarisse and Chris. They were beginning to be really interesting secondary characters in TLO
  • CABIN NINE. IT IS AMAZING. It made me so sad when they thought they were all cursed and such. 

spoilers for full book of the lost hero, books, omg, the lost hero

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