Goodbye Garden

Oct 18, 2019 08:14

Finished putting the garden to bed yesterday. A bit of kale and chard left in the raised beds, but if it doesnt rain thst will soon die. Looks tidy, but barren out back.

Today's plans are to work on the clearing for the hottub out front. Might happen. The sun is shining and Trent is home from school to help. He was a great assistant yesterday, running the hedge trimmer that I can no longer handle.

I seem to be rather thoroughly depressed. Could be because tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother's  death and the hubs cancer diagnosis. Definitely don't like the way I feel and the seeming total loss of interest in creating anything.

This too shall pass. It always has so far, so hanging in there reading a very long book and knitting a hat plus watching a buttload of TV.

depression, hottub, gardening

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