I've always liked it too, taken 1970/71, making me 24. Not many pics from those days, not enough $$ for film. That one is a Polaroid. I like to think I look like Grace Slick.
I saw Grace in person, back in the day, and you look better. That was back in '70-'71 as well, a concert at the Syracuse War Memorial. I think she was already at the mic when the "Star Spangled Banner" came blasting over the PA system and everyone stood up.
When it was over, she just shakes her head and says, in mock disbelief, "Do you people always do that?" Well, height of the Vietnam War, ya know, and the Airplane always drew a fairly young and radical audience, so I guess it might've been a little surprising. Sort of funny now, not so funny then...
It was good, thanks. Had a massive feast with the son-in-law's family. 10 brothers and sisters on his dad's side, 100% Irish and really nice people. And the youngest granddaughter kept things lively as well, lol...
When it was over, she just shakes her head and says, in mock disbelief, "Do you people always do that?" Well, height of the Vietnam War, ya know, and the Airplane always drew a fairly young and radical audience, so I guess it might've been a little surprising. Sort of funny now, not so funny then...
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