Myshuno! 9: "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Oct 25, 2013 13:57

Prompt: "Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Universe: The Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy: Generation Nine
Word Count: 470

"They're gone."

Everyone looked at Lucia Meyer, who was on the ground where the graves had been. She held up her hands as though she was testing the heat of a fire. No one else really understood what she was doing, but they all knew Lucia had some connection to the supernatural, and she'd been using it for all their benefit for years.

"What the hell happened? Nothing stopped them. Not ever." Sandra Stanley looked incredibly out of place standing in a dark cemetery in her evening gown. She was just as involved as the rest of them, though, and she knew it.

Lucia shook her head. "The graves were destroyed. That kills ghosts. I guess even their magic wasn't enough to save them."

Joseph O'Neal crossed his arms over his chest. "I am not happy. This is going to destroy everything we've worked for."

"And what are we supposed to do about it?" Sandra asked. "This could have happened anytime in the last week. There's no way to bring a ghost back."

"No," Shelly Murphy said slowly, "but..."

"But?" Sandra asked impatiently.

"But if we can figure out who did this...well, there's always revenge."

Her coworker Todd George looked at her thoughtfully. "You think you know."

Shelly nodded. "My housemate. Roxanna Doran. She went out a couple of nights ago and returned a bit...well, I was watching, and she seemed a bit odd. And the next day I saw a bracelet on her wrist which was definitely magical. She's always been weird, but this week she was weirder."

"Doran," Lucia said thoughtfully. "I know that name."

"They're trouble," Joseph said.


"They create chaos, or they're associated with it anyway. The supernatural, too. Look back at the history of Bluewater Village - you'll see a Doran was there when it was destroyed. Another was associated with whatever that was that happened in Veronaville with the elves. And a third married into the DeBateau family in Belladonna Cove, and then left mysteriously less than twenty years later after something happened with witches. And there are more - those are just the most prominent ones. I would definitely bet this Roxanna Doran is involved in this."

"Well," Lucia said, standing up, "We'll have to make sure it really was her."

Sandra pouted. "I suppose we can't just destroy her even if it wasn't."

"No - if we did that, we'd never know if it actually was her or not. And if it wasn't, well...I don't want to let someone this vile escape with no punishment." Everyone nodded. "Shelly, you'll investigate?"

"Of course. I'll let you know what I find out."

"Good," Lucia said. "Find out the truth, then we'll destroy her. And don't worry if it takes a while. After all," she smiled evilly, "revenge is a dish best served cold."

myshuno!, round robin, sims2

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