Myshuno! 1: "Come on, it'll be fun!"

Oct 01, 2012 00:30

Prompt: "Come on, it'll be fun!"
Universe: The Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy: Generation Nine
Word Count: 318

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

Fortunata raised her eyebrows as she looked at her oldest sister. "I don't know if I think going out with a bunch of your and Grey's friends will be all that fun, Desi."

Desdemona shook her head. "It totally will be. Come on, Lily, tell her it'll be fun!"

Lily shook her head. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

"What, cause Eglantine can't come? You just need to meet some new people, you two spend enough time holed up together as it is. Besides, Flynn said they're bringing some kids your and Nata's ages, and I know you know Joyce already, considering how often she's around the house. Or maybe you don't, since she spends all that time at the house up in Grey's room with the door closed." Desdemona smirked at her older brother, who rolled his eyes.

"You just want to flirt with Dexter," Lily pointed out.

"He's hot, can you blame me?"

"He wears sunglasses even at night," Fortunata said flatly. "That makes him weird, not hot."

Desdemona began to pout, using the face that rarely failed to get her what she wanted, and her sisters began to crumble. "Please? I really do want to go, and I really do think you'll have a good time. I promise you can leave early if you're not."

Lily and Fortunata exchanged a glance. Fortunata shrugged and Lily sighed. "Alright," Fortunata said. "We'll come. But we're leaving if it's not fun."

Suddenly Desdemona was all smiles again. "Thank you! I know you'll have a great time! I'm going to go call Flynn and tell him." She rushed up the stairs, leaving her siblings alone in the living room.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Lily almost moaned.

Grey shrugged. "It'll make her happy. And who knows? Maybe it'll make you happy too."

"I hope so," Lily said. "I really hope so."

myshuno!, round robin, sims2

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