Chapter 20 Picspam

Jan 06, 2011 22:56

So, the picspam from the last chapter of my apocalypse is...finally here a week later?

Whatever, it's a picspam. You can enjoy it. :D

Admittedly, there's not much, because this chapter really didn't cover all that much playing time. It was one year of college in two houses (the end of the last rotation, which I purposefully saved for this chapter, since I knew it might be short), one full rotation (three days in each of five houses plus one year of college in the two college houses), two days at the main house (the time it took Kate to lift), and one staged scene.

Still, a few of the houses barely showed up, and others got cut a bit. So have some amusing pictures!

Xander's Descendants

So, during 19, Joyce's husband Toby died. He decided to show up as a ghost fairly quickly.

Joyce followed fairly quickly - right after Lindsey and Amber's wedding, in fact, which is why she's in formalwear and you didn't get to see much of the party.

Poor Faith was at work when her mother died, so she started crying as soon as she got home.

...And to add insult to injury, the ghosts went right after her.

She showed up a couple of days later, allowing me one last chance to see her before I finished the apoc.

Graham did get two years of college during this update, and while I showed most of the him/Kate stuff, I didn't bother with the stuff that was just him - as he's, you know, a half-second-cousin-once-removed at this point.

He got into the SS - unsurprising, once he was friends with Lindsey, Kate, and Amber.

He also had the cow come after him quite a bit, though luckily not in a flirty way. The cow...wasn't the only one, either.

I have no words for this.

Graham also managed to set a fire (I tell you, my sims are pyros), but THIS time Lindsey had lifted Law Enforcement! And thus we actually *gasp* had a FIREFIGHTER!

Forrest also became a YA and had one year of college this rotation, though, as he wasn't important, you didn't get to see him.

We also managed to get a cold of doom going around the hood at the very end of the apoc. You do not know how glad I am that I can cheat to heal that thing now.

Forrest also became the first (and only) to take advantage of Robin's lift - Natural Science. I didn't really bother doing much with it, but I wanted to try out gardening, which I've never done before, not really. Besides, he's a Knowledge Sim who's already permaplat from having maxed all his skills, so I wanted to give him something to do. I think I made the garden too big, though, since he really didn't do anything else at all while I was playing him, other than that and the necessary schoolwork.

And here is Jenny as a YA - she never actually got played, but she did become a YA at the same time as Kate graduated, so I did send her to college. I don't love this hair on her, but I haven't found anything better - the hair she's had up til now always seemed a bit too young to me once a sim passed teenhood. I may try and find her something better, but I haven't yet.

Jenny, like Forrest, is permaplat, as she wanted 20 best friends. Quite doable.

Anya's Descendants

Sophie, Charlie's wife, also died during this chapter. She's the sim I resurrected at the very end, as she was, in fact, the last sim to die. Had I played another probably would've been Wesley.

I debated for a bit on who to use for this. I considered Joyce, as the last born Whedon to die, and I considered Lynne, as the last main house sim to die. Marina suggested Will, who had lifted Paranormal. I eventually decided to go with most recent, as all of my sims were rather close, and it felt the most logical.

Johnny wasn't so happy to see his mother die. :(

There was one happier event in this house - Warren's wife gave birth to their second child during this chapter, though you didn't get to see him.

Here we have Daniel Holtz Whedon, henceforth nicknamed Dan, as his grandfather Daniel Osbourne Whedon has already claimed Danny.

Dan is a redhead with light blue eyes and skin 2 and a personality of 6/8/7/2/6, which is Aries.

Gavin, Warren's older son, was a child for the chapter, and was quite adorable as well. Enjoy the cute. :D

Fred's Descendants

Drusilla and Ben are a totally stalky three bolt couple. I have no idea whose house this was at, but I'm fairly sure it wasn't theirs.

Admittedly, Drusilla being a vampire makes things a bit difficult at times, but that's okay.

I'm glad they're getting along so well, since I did basically arrange their marriage, though.

Like I said, her being a vampire made things hard. She's the non-permaplat member of this couple, after all, which means she has to work - since she wants to be a Hall of Famer. Luckily, she can fly to the car and then go, but her motives still drop quite a bit while doing that.

Of course, she spends a lot of time in her coffin.

And yet, somehow, that's the number one spot for all of the guests to gather - in the room that holds her coffin, while she's sleeping.

She and Ben do spend time together, which is nice.

And often interrupted. :P

Here we have Drusilla and Ben's twin girls, Eve and Maggie. Eve is the one with black hair, Maggie with brown.

They're natural twins, too. I'm quite happy about this - five for five on generations when I could've had twins, I've had natural twins. (Not counting gen 1 as possible, since, you know, that was Joss and Eloise and that's it.)

They're fairly good parents, despite being Romance and Fortune, but they certainly don't do everything alone.

Harmony is quite happy to glitch her finger guns through her granddaughter.

And Amanda is every inch a Family Sim, taking care of her cousins and all. This would be autonomous, too.

And here they are as toddlers! Eve is 4/10/9/4/1, Maggie is 4/8/9/4/1, which means I *gasp* actually have mean sims in gen 6! Seriously, my sims have been getting meaner, and yet gen 6 has somehow ended up significantly nicer - the sims so far are 8, 1, 7, 4, 7, 6, and these two. I suppose you could count Glory and Kennedy as part of gen 6 (they're there age-wise, anyway), but they just add one to each end - 0 and 10.

Maggie also managed to be brown/blond, which I adore, because those hair colors are DIRECTLY traceable to Joss and Eloise. And Eve has Joss's mouth and Eloise's chin, just like her mother. Can you tell I adore these two already? :D

Wesley/Lorne/Riley's House

Kennedy, despite her 10 nice points, does occasionally get mad. I think she learned it from her twin.

Glory also managed to get a sunburn at some point. It looks so ODD on alien skin.

Amanda is hilarious, and gets more than her share of screentime - she really shouldn't have much at all, as she's only Wesley's granddaughter, but she's the same age as Glory and Kennedy, so...she does.

Besides, this face was awesome.

She and Forrest are also stalky, which is sweet, since they ARE a couple and all. As they're third cousins, I decided it was fine.

I love Faith's expression in this pic, too.

They're still a bit stalky even now that he's a YA and she's still a teen, though obviously nothing inappropriate. If I ever keep playing, it's just the rest of this rotation until she goes to uni too, though, so that's good.

Oh, and Andrew would like to remind you that he is, in fact, a Popularity Sim.

Main House

Lilah is awesome. In this pic, she is getting date gifts from THREE of her lovers while on a date with a fourth. In case you're curious, yes, that's Trisha Traveller at the front and Trent Traveller who she's dating. See, Trisha walked by, so I invited her in, and, well, she was convenient aspiration fodder, right?

Then Trent called with the "I hear you had a great time with a friend of mine! Let's go on an outing!" call. Well, what else could I do but make him the next lover?

We have now gotten the same phone call from Tina.

As she is still a child, we will be ignoring her.

The dance sphere managed to catch on fire WHILE Connor was in it. Luckily, he was okay, if shocked.

And Robin got hit by lightning at some point. Again, he is alright.

This is the outfit I ended up putting Amber in once she became an adult, which you did not see due to the fact that she was either in her wedding dress or pregnancy clothing the entire chapter.

Ah, Kate's brow. So annoying. She's got Lilah's brow, which is Rupert's, which is Martin's, which is...not fun. Rupert was fortunately the only member of gen 3 to get it, but he passed it on to Lilah and Riley, and Lilah gave it to Connor and Kate. Oddly, it's the ONLY feature of Martin's that Rupert got. Other than that, he's a clone of his mother, and Riley is a clone of him.

Amusing picture, though.

I also liked this picture, but...plumbbob blah. Luckily I had others, or I would've been annoyed.

And Kate with the angry faces! You have to admit the location of that phone ringing is HIGHLY amusing, though.

Not sure WHY she was angry to be moving back to the main hood, but she was. This would be why you didn't see any of these pics.

You know, someone totally has to have a mother say "your face will glitch if you make that face too often!" at some point in some story.

Ah, sims who hate messes. Lilah is only 6 neat, but she grew up in a family of neat freaks - only Lynne and Tara were messier than her in her childhood house. And Kate is one of my many 10 neat pointers.

And this would be all my dead sims of the apoc. I gathered the graves and lined them up in preparation for resurrection.

In the back row, we have Joss and Eloise on the left, with random!townie!Bradford Ford on the right.
The row in front of that is gen 2, from left to right, Buffy, Martin, Cordy, and Liam.
The next two rows are both gen 3. In the back one of them are Xander, Marisa, Willow, Anya, and Lester. In the front one are Fred, Armando, Rupert, Lynne, and Will.
Next row is the members of gen 4 who have died - Boyd, Dawn, Toby, Joyce, and Sophie.
In front are the pets. There are three main house pets - Kobe, Kim, and Miss Kitty Fantastico - and one who belonged to Xander's descendants, a dog called Buffybot.

Yes, they're all getting resurrected. Cannot wait!

And, finally, SimRose really enjoyed herself at Lindsey and Amber's wedding. :D

picspam-bts-meta, buffyverse apocalypse, sims2

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