(no subject)

Sep 05, 2007 17:14

I'm sleepy, and lame as it is I'm having a hard time waking up at seven when I go to bed at 1:30-2am. (Disclaimer: I understand many people get much less sleep then me (i.e. Evan, Ray, My Pop, etc... ))  Anyway sleep is nice, and I generally enjoy it very much.  WIth that said here is a partial description of a dream from August this year:

Light the sky before I loose more sleep
Turnips invade sleep
Swirling mass of clouds
Run children run, grab my hand
Leave this drunken bar room brawl
The Afro-American will fight
In our defense
Run down toward that old barn
Large house to it’s right
Step inside, slip under box spring
Listen for the rush of wind
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