(no subject)

Oct 31, 2008 17:09

I still have work to do today and have to run home to get ready for a Halloween party, but I just wanted to make a quick post to say how ace the TV awards on Wednesday were after a very inauspicious start. I raced out of work as fast as possible to get to Farringdon, only to find that the Circle Line was a nightmare and there were people queing up the street just to try and get into the station. Having wandered around a bit trying to get a bus, I then decided to sod it and get in a cab, only to find that there were just no cabs anywhere, or at least none that would pick me up. After running around the streets of the City for over half an hour giving myself blisters in my unfeasibly high shoes, I was in a proper state and couldn't believe it was looking like I was going to miss the whole thing. A cab finally came and picked me up at literally the last moment it would have been possible for me to get into the Albert Hall, and I almost cried with gratitude.

The downside of all this was that poor Di had been waiting for me for ages at South Ken tube while I'd been increasingly hysterically throwing myself in front of speeding Hackney cabs, and by the time I actually got one she had decided to go home. Di, I'm so sorry I was late, you would have loved the awards but I'm glad you got some actual sleeping time before going off on holiday.

Anyway, I did manage to make it on time, had an excellent seat for the awards and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did an actual audible gasp when David Tennant quit as Doctor Who, everyone got very emotional. I guess it wasn't that unexpected though, he has given it some good service. Everyone is now debating about James Nesbitt or David Morrissey replacing him, and for the record I would HATE that and would refuse to watch.

I wasn't too bothered about the rest of the awards apart from the Hollyoaks-related ones, which thankfully they won one of, despite being robbed in the other two categories. Simon Cowell getting a surprise award was funny but made me feel slightly weird as I think he's basically helping to ruin the music industry and wouldn't know good singing if it gave him a Dirty Bristow (thank God Dave Shaw doesn't read this journal). It was a really fun occasion though and the audience were all really friendly to me as I was on my own.

Afterwards I braved the aftershow party, which was amazing - Alice, you played an absolute blinder. I hadn't realised that I had to go up the red carpet, so there was a bit of confusion involving me accidentally pushing Simon Cowell out of the way as he was being photographed and asking someone where to get my wristband who then turned out to be in Eastenders. I found my way eventually though, and lots of people were nice and kept me company while Alice was celebrity-wrangling and having people shout in her ear.

It was a very strange experience being at the party - like being at a house party where you know everyone but somehow they don't know you. I constantly had to stop myself saying hi to people when I realised they had no idea who I was. I had a lovely chat to Nasty Niall from Hollyoaks though, he was very charming and introduced me to his girlfriend, then dragged me off to watch Steph from Hollyoaks doing karaoke. All of the Hollyoaks cast were actually delightful, even though Matt Littler almost had my eye out with his award. I also had a bit of a chat to Trevor McDonald, who was looking all lonely by himself but was very polite and smiley. I was too scared to talk to Sylar though, even though he was also all alone - it's the eyebrows, they're too forbidding. I did manage to hold open a door for what looked like the entire cast of This Life though, which made my 19 year old self very excited indeed!

Eventually things calmed down a bit and I spent some time with Alice, who was managing to look gorgeous despite having been at work for about a million hours. We had some ice cream and cocktails, then went downstairs for a bit of a dance, where there was an awesome magician who kept setting fire to his wallet. I got hugged by a strange man during the last song, but he was quite nice and reasonably non-creepy, so I didn't mind. Then it was all over, and I ironically managed to get straight into a cab outside before getting the night bus home for what felt like about 5 minuites' sleep.

Other random observations:

All the men in television are incredibly short, why is this?
Sara Cox is absolutely stunning but somehow doesn't really look it on TV.
George Lamb has a much less annoying voice than on the radio. I didn't even really hate him at all.
The cast of Britannia High are about seven years old.

I think that's it. The last two days I have been mostly tired, missing the free Sky we used to have and still trying to get to grips with the new job. I need this weekend very badly. Luckily, it will include a Halloween, a night in the pub, a belly dancing class and hopefully some time spent with my lovely husband.
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