(no subject)

Feb 27, 2011 16:16

I got myself a job! :) The interview last Monday went well and I was formally offered the job on Friday. I'll be a first grade teaching assistant at Holly Grove Elementary in Holly Springs. They have great end of grade scores and meet most/all of their state and federal goals each year. It'll be great to have a daily purpose, stay busy, and bring home a paycheck. I'm thankful.

There are things to be concerned about--one, that I'll be a split TA again. Last time that happened, the year didn't go so hot. But I'm willing to chalk that up to an individual experience and hope for the best. Another concern is that this is a year-round school (which I love and support), but the first graders are on seperate tracks. With me being in two different rooms, I may be getting one week off while most everyone else gets three weeks off, so that no class will ever go without an assistant in the room. I'm willing to see how it goes and if I can handle it. And lastly, because my paperwork is going through after March 1st, I won't be eligible to apply for and receive benefits until the next school year, which begins July 1st. Again, not a deal-breaker, but I will definitely be missing those fantastic state government-fueled benefits.

Still thankful and praying that Jared will be getting a job soon, too. Then we can move on to our next goal of 2011--owning our own home!
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