New Alternatives to Intelligent Design

Apr 25, 2008 16:40

One of the problems I've had with Intelligent Design is that if you look at our actual anatomy, there's some serious problems with believing anybody actually intelligent had anything to do with it. I mean, what creator that had any clue about what he was doing would give octopi better designed eyes then we have? Or would mix the breathing and eating tubes? and let's not EVEN talk about our spine, leg joints and feet.

So I came up with a couple of alternatives:

Design by Committee:

"Ok, I got the neurology signed off on, we got the second spine draft in...oh crap."
"The goals committee wants it to be bipedal."
"What!? Why! We've already got the locomotion design set!"
"I dunno, something about freeing up the hands. Well, no choice but to scrap everything in the skeletal section and start over."
"No way. I am NOT delaying my vacation again for this crap. How about we just put a kink in the spine?"
" feet, leg and knee groups will toss a fit."
"So don't tell them. Give it to them already approved, and it's their problem."
"I dunno...I see a lot of problems there..."
"It's after 6:30 on Friday already. Do you wanna see your family this weekend?"
"*sigh* Ok, fine. Run up a spine tweek , and I'll sign off on it. I hear the Feet subcommittee's already screwed up their part already, maybe they won't notice?"
"They're doing better than the eye group; at least we didn't get our blueprints mixed up. "

Alternatively we can have the new theory of:

"Design by Creator with his Big Brother Hanging Around Behind Him:"

"You're doing it wrong."
"Shut up, I'm doing this, not you!"
"No really, the trachea and the esophagus shouldn't join like that."
"Shut. UP! You always mess my things up!"
"Seriously, you've got a valve here that will let food go down the airway if even the slightest thing goes wrong. Here, let me fix that-"
"Get OUT of here! This is MY project! LET GO!!!"
"Oh the spine supposed to go that way?"

humor, science, sarcasm

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