Aug 20, 2008 14:44
Discedo, I have a question.
My purpose, a Rozen Maiden's purpose, is to participate in a competition known as The Alice Game. Alice is the girl of perfection in which myself and the other Maiden's are based on. She was Father's true goal. All together, there are seven dolls. Seven numbered sisters. Suigintou, the first. Kanaria, the second. Suiseiseki, the third. Souseiseki, the forth. Myself, the fifth. Hinaichigo, the sixth. And Kirakishou, the seventh.
The Rozen Maiden are each made with one seventh of a Rosae Mystica, though it could also be referred to as our soul. Once one doll collects all seven fragments, she will become the doll of divine perfection, Alice. Though, there are few ways to obtain these fragments. But, the only true way is to win them in a duel. To take it from the opponent. The Game calls for duels to take place between at least two dolls. Once a doll loses her Rosae Mystica, she stops moving, and is out of the game. Once a doll has lost her Rosae Mystica, she will revert to her original being. This meaning; she will turn back to a regular doll.
My question is: faced with this kind of decision, in which the only way to meet your creator would be to participate and win this game, would you play?
the alice game