Smut Swap Letter 2018

Mar 03, 2018 18:56

Dear Smut Swapper,

Thank you so much for writing/drawing one of these fandoms! The fandoms I’ve requested here are shows/movies that are all hardwired to my id, and I’m always deeply here for all of these pairings hooking up, so if we’ve matched on them, I’m sure I’ll love whatever you want to do with them. If you already have something in mind based on the tags and want to go ahead and write/draw that, I’m really open for anywhere you’d like to go with these fandoms. But as always, I love getting a chance to flail about the things I’ve requested, so if you’d like a non-exhaustive guide to the tags I chose and some of the things I’d like to see in fic or art, here is my letter. I really hope there’s something here that inspires you, and that you have a wonderful exchange!


Likes: all POVs/tenses, characters from everywhere on the moral spectrum, fairytale vibes, supernatural elements, introspection and character studies, distinctive settings and worldbuilding, mythology, literary references and allusions, symbolism, characters going to hell and back for each other (literally or figuratively), hidden depths and dimensions (as both a character thing and a worldbuilding thing), love stories of all kinds, slow burns and slow builds, little details, hopeful endings (even for unconventional values of hopeful).

Smut Likes: first times, oral sex (especially cunnilingus and face-sitting), dirty talk and dialogue, bondage, non-lifestyle D/s, blindfolds, sensation play, holding hands during sex, wrists pinned to things, ordinarily restrained or composed characters getting wrecked, intimacy, vulnerability, characters who are really intense about what they want and overwhelmed when they get it, emotional intensity of all kinds, touch starvation, edging, body worship, bites and bruises, kissing, lingerie and other beautiful clothes, drawn-out undressing scenes, lavish amounts of touching and body contact.

DNWs: non-canon character death, rape/noncon as the main focus (references to canon events are fine), pregnancy/kidfic as the main focus (references to canon pregnancies/children are also fine), underage (16+ for fic or 18+ for art is fine), omegaverse, onscreen animal harm, ace/aro/trans/non-binary headcanons, humiliation kink, torture/mutilation.

Crimson Peak (2015)
Medium: Fanart

Edith Cushing/Lucille Sharpe
Optional Tags: Body Contrast Kink Bondage, Clothed/Naked, Clothed Sex, Corsetry, Cunnilingus, Ghost Sex, Hair Bondage, Hair Kink, High Heels, Making Out, Neck Kissing, Undressing Their Partner, Unexpected Tenderness, Vaginal Fingering

One of the things I love most about this movie is how lush and eloquent all its visuals are, especially with the imagery and physicality for Edith and Lucille: I love how (literally) textured the morbid Victorian eroticism between them can get, with Edith in gauzy chiffon and Lucille in her thorny velvet dress, all the delicate touches and feverish confrontations, all the miles of gorgeous hair, and I’d really love to see some fanart for them together. I’m totally here for Edith being achingly, precisely taken apart by Lucille’s hands and mouth, or a dangerously curious Edith trying to unravel Lucille as urgently or tenderly as she can, and any kind of scene of them together would be beautiful - a Buffalo seduction? Something in Edith’s fairytale bedroom at Allerdale Hall? Murder wives AU? A post-movie encounter between Edith and the ghost of Lucille? Also, I love all the colour palettes of the movie, with Edith in white and gold and Lucille in those deep blues and black, all the gothic scenery (especially Edith’s room, and Lucille’s attic, and the piano in the library), all the clothes - so if you’d like to play around any of those, I’d definitely love to see them here as well.

• Body Contrast Kink: I love contrasts between them in canon, Edith’s golden blonde hair down loose and Lucille’s dark braids, Edith’s dark brown eyes against Lucille’s pale blue, Edith’s delicateness and Lucille’s more sculpted look. I’d love to see a post-canon take on this as well, with Edith pale against Lucille’s smoky black ghost.

• Bondage, Hair Bondage: Because Lucille is so about restraint - her hair, her dresses, her pinned butterflies, the way she holds herself. I’d love to see anything that explores that more, and the hair bondage tag made me go !!!!! because, well, everyone here has so much hair that would look beautiful wrapped around someone’s wrists, and I love Lucille making the memento braids in canon. I’d be especially here for Edith tied down with tattered silk or her own hair, so Lucille can take her in at her leisure.

• Clothed/Naked, Clothed Sex, Undressing Their Partner: All the costumes in this movie are so beautiful and add so much to their characters - I particularly love Edith’s nightgown, her green velvet jacket outfit, her Buffalo ballgown, Lucille’s blue velvet dress and her black velvet Buffalo dress. I’d love to see anything that features them as part of the sex in some way: the textures and colours, the heaviness of the skirts and the literal weight they add, the limited access to each other in those high-necked dresses or the very Victorian eroticism of seeing more skin exposed. Both of them working under each other’s skirts, or clothed sex that plays around with different levels of clothedness (Edith in her nightgown?), or Edith naked while Lucille’s still fastened up to her neck, or either of them undressing one another - anything would be amazing.

• Corsetry: I love the shot of Lucille in her corset that was included in this costume featurette, the soft washed-down silk and the way she looks almost mermaid-like with her hair down as well - I’m definitely here for any kind of undressing scene or partially undressed sex with a focus on corsetry, Edith getting slowly unlaced or Lucille still wearing her corset for the restraint kink.

• Ghost Sex: I love the design of Lucille’s ghost, and I’m entirely down for post-movie Edith/Lucille with lots of delicate, eerie ghost touches - maybe with Edith still in Allerdale Hall as the living Lady Sharpe?

• Hair Kink: I MEAN. I’d love anything with all that long hair they have between them being stroked or admired, spread out over laps or beds or pianos, being deliberately unbraided or being pulled back for neck-kissing.

• High Heels: For more playing around with partial dress/lesser-seen clothes on Edith and Lucille, I’m also totally here for period-style boots/shoes being featured as well.

• Unexpected Tenderness: Lucille stroking Edith’s cheek with the butterfly is one of my favourite scenes in the movie, the way it suggests something fervent and fragile at the same time, and I’d love to see more of that side of their attraction highlighted with smut. I also love how much Lucille’s character is built around her whole melancholy longing for intimacy, and Edith being tender with her would also be incredible.

Penny Dreadful (TV)
Medium: Fanfiction

Ethan Chandler/Hecate Poole
Optional Tags: Blood Magic, Bloodplay, Body Worship, Clothed Sex, Courtship/Wooing, Cunnilingus, First Time with a Guy, Hair Kink, Pinned by the Neck, Porn with Feelings, Ritual Sex, Scarification, Scar Worship, Scent Kink, Service Top, Transformation, Unexpected Tenderness, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex

I loved these two and their unexpected feelings for each other ever since they sized each other up in that cafe, with Ethan already kind of knowing what calibre of murder kitten he’s dealing with in Hecate but wanting to play with her anyway ("I think those brigands better watch out for you, Hecate Aphrodite Livingstone"). And then they got that road trip! I loved all the ways they connected as predators and outcasts in s3, and how their arc ultimately came down to that very mutually devoted "you saved my life" scene at the Talbot ranch. The whole balance between their growing tenderness towards each other and their perceptions of their monstrousness was so fascinating to watch - Ethan with his struggle between the dusty abject cynicism of his gunslinger persona and his awareness of his tooth-and-claw destiny up against his sense of devotion to the people he loves, Hecate with her endless capacity for violence and endless capacity for vulnerability, her cold porcelain distance on the surface and her white-hot rage and longing underneath. I love everything about their physicality together, and how they can go from splitting the world in two to startling each other with these quiet, careful touches, and I’d love to see some smut for them that explores this some more - an extended version of the cavesex scene? An AU where Hecate survives the night at the ranch and it's the beginning of Ethan and Hecate on the road to being the prom king and queen of hell? Any kind of post-s3 fic where Hecate is resurrected, or reaches out from the afterlife? An AU where they hook up in London during s2?

• Blood Magic, Ritual Sex: I loved everything about “shall we unleash demons, thee and me?” - the weird intimacy of Hecate letting Ethan into her world, her cupping her hands to accept the blood, the voice/language kink when she starts talking in Verbis Diablo. I would be entirely here for anything that revisited Hecate’s witchiness or went with this ritual vibe for smut purposes - as part of their lives ruling the darkness, or maybe having ritual sex to resurrect Hecate post-s3?

• Bloodplay, Scarification: Hecate drawing patterns on herself with Ethan’s blood was also ridiculously hot, and I’d be down with things getting scratchy and bloody between them - an AU coda to their stay at the ranch where they end up licking the blood off one another in a pristine white bedroom? Hecate carving out nightcomer symbols on Ethan or drawing them on in her blood as an inauguration, or maybe asking Ethan to give her a new mark?

• Body Worship, Scar Worship: Does Ethan ever go in for body worship/scar appreciation with Hecate in her nightcomer form? Or does Hecate ever kink on Ethan this way for being Lupus Dei (with Ethan in or out of his werewolf form)?

• Courtship/Wooing: I loved the whole high society predators aesthetic of their café meeting, and for an s2 AU, I’d love to see any kind of take on a witch/werewolf courtship. Do they have sex after a slow burn, or do they ever punctuate these kinds of encounters with (terrifying?) supernatural sex?

• Clothed Sex: Sex on their road trip while they’re still in their battered train outfits, or any kind of s2 AU where they’re still carefully moving around each other in society - maybe an AU where Ethan could attend Dorian’s ball and Hecate is there with her gown and scarabs? (Ethan in formalwear: also deeply here for it.) I also love Hecate’s whole witch-at-home aesthetic with the loose velvet dresses and her hair down, so that would also be very welcome for this.

• First Time with a Guy: I love Hecate’s whole life in Evelyn’s claustrophobic witch’s castle, where she’s entirely Evelyn’s (and Lucifer’s) creature but doesn’t necessarily get to be around anyone else all that often, if at all, and I would be entirely down for Ethan/Hecate either as a straight-up first time with a (sort of) human man, or as the first time Hecate has sex after the death of Evelyn and entirely at her own bidding.

• Hair Kink: Hecate’s whole curl mane being unpinned or falling all around them during sex, or Hecate clawing through Ethan’s long s1/s2 hair.

• Pinned by the Neck: As a kind of physical contact that probably should be adversarial but is also unbearably intimate.

• Porn with Feelings, Unexpected Tenderness: I love all the quieter moments between them - Hecate looking startled when Ethan wipes away the smudge of dirt in the café, Ethan listening to her talk about horses, their tenderness with each other in the bedroom at the ranch. I’d love anything that explores this with smut - Hecate can withstand all kinds of world-ending, apocalyptic violence and has the scars to prove it, but is she always utterly blindsided by any measure of gentleness? What’s it like for Ethan, to see this side of Hecate?

• Scent Kink: I’m always here for this, especially with werewolf senses. Do nightcomers have a distinctive scent?

• Service Top: So much of Ethan’s id is built around taking care of the women he’s close to (Brona, Vanessa), and I’d love to see any kind of take on how this would play out with Hecate - does she set the (aggressive?) pace for him during sex? Does she ever go full-on submissive with him, despite (or because of) her long, complex history with other people dominating her?

• Transformation: Ethan wolfing out, or Hecate melting down to her nightcomer form. (Or both!)

Twin Peaks
Medium: Fanart, Fanfiction

Dale Cooper/Audrey Horne
Optional Tags: Blindfolds, Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Bondage, Breast Worship, Clothed/Naked, Comfort Sex, Cunnilingus, Dancing, Dirty Talk, Extended Foreplay, Fingerfucking, First Time, Gentle Dom, Hand Jobs, Height Differences, Ice Play, Kink Exploration, Lingerie, Loss of Control, Loss of Virginity, Making Out, Neck Kissing, Porn with Feelings, Reading Porn Mags, Reunion Sex, Spanking, Suit Porn, Tenderness, Touch-Starved, Undressing Their Partner, Vaginal Sex

These two are one of my favourite things about the show. Audrey just unapologetically is who she is, and yet she still feels like she belongs right at the heart of this big, mysterious universe. I love her dreaminess and determination, her intelligence and the integrity that comes from her burn-down-the-forest levels of intensity. I love that balance between earnestness and otherworldliness in Cooper as well, the way his cool acceptance of things like jazzy eldritch speakeasies contrasts with how adorably overwhelmed he is by little things from consensus reality, the tension between his slicked-back composure and how many impossible feelings he has about almost everything. He's gentle and folksy but also sharp as a pin and a little perverse, and I love all the ways his warmth and his strangeness play off each other, especially when he's hit with Audrey. I love how much they just light each other up whenever they're together, how Audrey wants Cooper with such passion and clarity and purpose, and how Cooper kind of irresistibly ends up serving Grace Kelly levels of snow-covered-volcano yearning around Audrey. They're both a little out of place in the world, but they always seem to see the things they’re wholeheartedly into in one another, the beautiful and the intelligent and the desirable, and I’d love to see more smut for them, because damn, they had so many scenes where they were unaccountably hot together. I love everything about their intensity with one another, Cooper's sense of precision and focus on pinpoint pleasures, the little flashes of insight we get into Audrey’s kinks (a hot cold!), and anything that builds on any this would be amazing, slow burn or PWP - fanart focusing on any moment of intimacy (maybe with the autumnal colour palette of the show)? A first time scene that goes AU from either of the times we see Audrey curled up on Cooper’s bed in s1/s2? Post-s3 reunion sex?

• Body Worship: I love Cooper being unabashedly appreciative, and I’d be entirely down for anything that took it this way, or where Audrey gets to be all hungry and awed with Cooper.

• Blindfolds, Bondage, Kink Exploration, Spanking: I was so iddily into everything about Cooper leaning over a bound Audrey in One-Eyed Jack’s, and the whole Lynchean BDSM fairytale aesthetic of that scene. I’d love fic or art where Audrey and Cooper maybe revisit that in roleplay, or otherwise get to do some kink exploration - bondage with either Audrey or Cooper tied up, or Cooper blindfolding Audrey to heighten her instincts/sensory appreciation, or Audrey persuading Cooper to spank her.

• Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs: Audrey determined to floor Cooper when they meet again, or Cooper teaching her what he likes (maybe as an s1/s2 AU where she hasn’t done this before?).

• Clothed/Naked, Suit Porn: The contrast between them when Audrey shows up naked in his bed leaves an impression, and I’d love to see more of this in fic or art - an AU take on that scene where they up in bed together and it takes Cooper a while to get around to undressing? Just as something Audrey especially likes, because of the way it makes her feel scandalous and vulnerable all at once, or because she’s just that into the Special Agent aesthetic?

• Comfort Sex: As part of an AU where they have sex when Audrey comes to Cooper the night of the Icelanders’ party or after Ben’s arrest, or for anything post-s3 where Cooper just gets utterly lost in the intimacy, and/or all that awful, wiry tension Audrey carries with her breaks at last.

• Cunnilingus: Slow and thorough with Audrey spread out on Cooper’s bed at the Great Northern, hot and overwhelming with Audrey riding his face, or anything in between - anytime, anywhere, in fic or art.

• Dancing: I have so many feelings about Audrey dancing like she can feel the movements of the universe, I love the scene of them dancing together at Dougie Milford’s wedding, and I’m always here for dancing as foreplay anytime, anywhere - especially post-s3, as a way for Audrey to get back into her body again.

• Dirty Talk: Is Cooper a compulsive talker in bed? Does it get descriptive, or does he tell Audrey exactly what he’d like to do with her before the fact?

• Extended Foreplay: I'd love to see Cooper have as many opinions about good foreplay practice as he does about everything else and be determined to make Audrey aware of all of them, maybe even to the point of (unintentional?) edging, or anything where Audrey gets to have a long, dreamy exploration of Cooper.

• Fingerfucking: Totally here for either of them being fingered to ruination.

• Gentle Dom: Either a femsub or a femdom take on this would be amazing. I love the way Cooper walks the line between being gentle and being controlled, and this is kind of the perfect expression of that. I also love the slight proto-femdom vibe Audrey has when she’s menacing Battis (that soft “yes, what?” in the scene where she gets the job at the perfume counter, I MEAN), and would love to see her get to be all sweetly undeniable with Cooper.

• Ice Play: I will never, ever get over Audrey’s “like when you hold an ice cube on your bare skin for a long time” monologue, and I’d love anything where she grabs an ice cube and tries to demonstrate what she means when she talks about a hot cold with Cooper.

• Lingerie: I love how much Audrey seems to enjoy her heels and lipstick and perfume, and I’d totally here for her enjoying lingerie too (and for Cooper being entirely into it). For an s1/s2 AU, is there anything she’s had in a drawer and wanted to wear for somebody for a while, or does she go out and get some when she gets together with Cooper? For post-s3, has she built up a lingerie collection as a kind of private luxury?

• Loss of Control: I’m always here for composed characters totally letting go, and I’d love anything where Audrey sets out to make Cooper lose his entire mind, or where he gets to a point where he can’t hold anything back from her anymore.

• Loss of Virginity: I also love how intense Audrey seems to be about her virginity in the scene where she’s telling Cooper about One-Eyed Jack’s (that “I want you to know,” oh man). Any kind of s1/s2 AU where she loses her virginity to Cooper would be beautiful - especially if she’s utterly touch-starved and overwhelmed, and/or Cooper feels like it’s his solemn duty to make this as thorough and wonderful as possible.

• Reading Porn Mags: This is a total wildcard, but I’m always here for Cooper’s look of unholy fucking delight whenever there’s a Fleshworld magazine in the room. Maybe an AU snippet where Audrey comes by the station when Cooper’s reading Fleshworld for serious investigative reasons? Or something that combines this with a sharing kinks/fantasies scenario?

• Reunion Sex: I’d love anything where they get a reunion post-s3, especially with smut - re-learning each other, making up for lost time, being deliriously passionate, comforting each other, finally doing all the things they’ve wanted to do for twenty-five years.

• Undressing Their Partner: I always love slow undressing in fic, and I’d love an art take on this as well - Cooper sliding a hand under Audrey’s sweater or skirt? Audrey unbuttoning Cooper’s shirt or tugging on his tie?

Dale Cooper/Laura Palmer
Optional Tags: Accidental Soulbonding Solidified With Sex, Body Worship, Chair Sex, Clothed Sex, Cunnilingus, Dream Sex, Femdom, First Time, Ghost Sex, Hand Jobs, Honor Bondage, In Captivity Together, Life-Affirming Sex, Making Out, Neck Kissing, Porn with Feelings, Sex in a Car, Suit Porn, Tenderness, Touch-Starved, Unexpected Feelings, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex

I love Laura in all her bright-dark complexity, with all the ways she anchors the universe and all the ways she tries to cope with her own existence, strength and courage and self-annihilation all bound up together, and I’m always fascinated and touched by her and Cooper reaching out to each other, the way their connection runs through everything. I love the gentleness and respect that Cooper has for Laura, even in death, the way he feels like someone she chooses to let in on some kind of huge cosmic level (“even if it was only a dream, I hope he heard me”), and I love that they’re practically a full-on myth of devotion by the time Cooper tries to undo her death two decades after the fact. Also, how are they so good at kissing. I love the way their Black Lodge encounters always have an underlying edge of eroticism (especially their reunion kiss in s3, with its weird lingering joy and tenderness), and I’d love to see anything where they get to do more than make out a while - more shared dreams, or anything where Laura gets to stay with Cooper in the Black Lodge during his captivity, or anything post-s3 where Laura is alive again and they have to renegotiate their entire relationship (and maybe end up recreating their Lodge meetings in the woods or on the road or in some shadowy motel room?). I’ve opted into the Major Character Death warning for this request because the end scene of FWWM was basically everything I wanted for their relationship in canon, and I’m definitely okay with anything that restores Laura’s death as the ending she chose for herself if you want to go there, but otherwise, I’m here for any take on them - more of the vivid, hallucinatory eroticism of them in the Lodge together, or stolen moments from the Odessa universe, or anything in between.

• Accidental Soulbonding Solidified With Sex: I love how parts of FWWM seem to brush into soulbond territory already (all the dream-sharing, all Cooper’s psychic perceptions of Laura), and I love the whole mythic weight of Cooper and Laura as two sides of the show’s mystery, so I’d be totally here for something where sex is the consummation of this.

• Body Worship: I’m always here for Cooper taking his time and being appreciative in this context, and perhaps being a little overwhelmed to find himself this physically close to/intimate with Laura, after only knowing her from a distance during her murder investigation.

• Chair Sex: In the Black Lodge, with Laura joining him on the armchair.

• Clothed Sex: I’m so into the feverish noir aesthetic of their Black Lodge kisses in canon, with the velvet and the brooches and the suits. I’d especially love to see fic or art with this kink featured as part of a Lodge encounter, with Coop’s hands crushed in (or sliding under) that black dress, and/or suit porn for days.

• Cunnilingus: Because the implications of that finger-snap at the end of s2 were incendiary, and Cooper should totally take her up on that sometime - kneeling on the chevron floor, in the back of a car, whenever, wherever.

• Femdom: I love the hints of femdom that we get between them in their Lodge kisses, with Laura standing over Cooper in that dress that makes her look like she goes on for miles and especially in their s3 kiss (the way she makes him wait for it! The yielding line of his head as he lets her kiss him!), and I’d love to see this taken further.

• Honor Bondage: I mean, in some ways, Cooper’s whole life is honour bondage, and I would be very here for anything where this overlaps with an orders/obedience kink and being dommed this way by Laura, playing around with the whole motif of the way he listens to her.

• In Captivity Together: In a post-s2 AU where Laura stayed in the Black Lodge during Cooper’s imprisonment, with the two of them slowly turning to each other.

• Life-Affirming Sex: I’d definitely be here for a post-s3 take on this, with Laura revising her place in the universe, or looking for some kind of joy, or anchoring herself with Cooper. Or for dream sex/ghost sex in the Black Lodge, maybe something where Laura is trying to resolve the question of “are you Laura Palmer?” to her own satisfaction, or where Cooper’s attentions bring her a measure of peace with her new afterlife?

• Neck Kissing: Especially anything with Cooper kissing down the vee of Laura’s black dress.

• Sex in a Car: Especially for anything post-s3 in the Odessa universe. Laura reaching over to start something when they’re on the road? Both of them in the backseat in the desert or the woods at night?

• Porn with Feelings, Unexpected Feelings: I’m always here for all kinds of feelings, and I’d love to see how this would play out with Cooper and Laura. I’d be especially down for any kind of character study through porn for Laura - what’s like for her, to be with somebody so entirely different from anyone she knew in life? After spending so long in a kind of dual life where nobody got to see her in her entirety, or know what really happened to her, how does it feel to be with somebody who knows this much about who she is, even from afar?

• Tenderness: Any take on the cruel-kind unstoppable force of Laura coming up against Cooper’s implacable gentleness would be beautiful. Hand-holding during sex? Cooper holding Laura through one of her shuddery, sad kisses?

• Touch-Starved: For an AU take on their reunion in s3, or anything set between s2 and s3, I’d love anything where Cooper is entirely touch-starved after twenty-five years (or so) alone in the Lodge.

Dale Cooper/Audrey Horne/Laura Palmer
Optional Tags: Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Cunnilingus, Dirty Talk, Dream Sex, First Time, Ghost Sex, Hand Jobs, Life-Affirming Sex, Making Out, Porn with Feelings, Reunion Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Voyeur Gives Directions, Voyeurism

So! I have a lot of feelings about these three and all the connections they have across with each other across life and death, dreams and decades, and I wanted to throw this out there because I’d love to see some smut that explored this as an OT3. Cooper and Audrey getting together in a s1/s2 AU and being mutually haunted by Laura, or Laura and Cooper encountering Audrey after the s3 finale, or an AU where Laura never died, and things happen entirely differently - any direction at all that you’d like to go in would be amazing. I’ve talked a bit about Audrey/Cooper and Laura/Cooper in my other Twin Peaks requests, but I’m also hugely on board for Audrey/Laura here, and would love anything that explores all the achy ambiguity of “I guess I sort of loved her” or the ways Audrey got all shivery over Laura. I’d love this as a full-blown threesome, but would also be totally here for it as a v-shaped thing with any of them as the hinge - Cooper suspended between two different manifestations of the girl of his dreams, or Audrey getting two different (frenemies-to) friends-to-lovers, or Cooper and Audrey as two people Laura reaches out to after death, or any other way of looking at them all together. I’d love to see fic or art for any kind of three-way encounter set in any of the show’s otherworlds - more kisses from Laura in the Black Lodge (with Audrey in Cooper’s lap this time?), or scratchy records and evening dresses and threesomes in a giant-sized four-poster bed at the Fireman’s, or even some kind of White Lodge encounter. For post-s3 fic, anything where Cooper finally brings Laura home and both of them are reunited with Audrey would be really beautiful, and I’d also be really fascinated by anything where Billy and Tina as they’re referenced in Audrey’s scenes are something like Audrey’s screen memory stand-ins for/voices-from-another-room impressions of Cooper and Laura (and based on “I’ve got to find Tina,” I’d love to maybe see some kind of Audrey-in-Odessa fic?). Or if you’re here for an AU where Laura never died, and she and Audrey got to the point where they were down with seducing FBI agents together, I’m 100% here for that as well.

• Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering: Audrey and/or Laura getting full attention from the other two at any point, or both of them taking turns with Cooper, or anything where this is Audrey’s first time doing this to another woman and this adds a whole new layer of surrealism.

• Dirty Talk: Cooper’s compulsive self-narration, Audrey’s compulsive urge to share, Laura as a laconic commentator.

• Dream Sex: For an s1/s2 AU, I’d love anything where Audrey and Cooper find themselves in the same dreams together with Laura, or for something post-s3, anything where dreams are a bridge between realities would also be wonderful.

• First Time: I always love first times, and I’d be so into all the potential for complex emotions and strangeness and beauty for this threesome getting together. Is it the first time any of them have had sex with each other in any configuration?

• Life-Affirming Sex, Reunion Sex: For anything post-s3 where Laura is alive again and they’re all together in a shared universe, I’d love any kind of heady, maybe slightly trippy threesome where they have to renegotiate their relationships to each other after time and space and death have been turned upside down.

• Porn with Feelings: Audrey with her two first (only?) loves, Cooper with two girls he has an ineffable cosmic connection to, Laura with two people entirely beyond her expectations - I’m here for all kinds of feelings from all of them.

• Voyeur Gives Directions, Voyeurism: How much do I love that Audrey is canonically into voyeurism? (The way she swallows watching Ben and Catherine in s1, that hazy little laugh, I mean, DAMN.) I’d be entirely here for anything where she somehow walks in on (what starts as) a Laura/Cooper encounter in the Black Lodge, or anything where she gets to arrange Cooper and Laura to her liking and it totally goes to her head. I’d also really love anything with Laura directing Cooper and Audrey during sex - maybe as whispered instructions in the Black Lodge?

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