I just started up an Art Conspiracy account. Looks interesting. Maybe some other good folks will kick one up? If you think you maybe should then you probably should. Go to
http://www.artconspiracy.com. Setting up an account is free. It's just another place to share any work you might have done. It's seperated into five sections-eye, word, physical, sound, mind. Basically visual art, written art, physical art, musical art, and web design (not sure how mind has to do with that). I'm hoping to get some stuff up within a week or two, but school has been intense and I just lost my voice; most likely a result of being way too sick and working too long on a song.
In other news, read African literature. Except for Chaka and Stone Virgins. Well you can read those too, but I bet you'll regret it. In further news, my short story professor is one of those types that you think is going to be genius but then discover he is just stuck, and you don't know where he's stuck. But you know he's stuck, like my Dad. And besides that he's a bad professor for a short story class, as he thinks the only true form of writing is journalism (he's a journalist).
Really, this is just a way to try and keep in some sort of touch with you, Dar. I don't think I have many friends on here anymore anyway. Whatever like fruit punch.
Now I begin the art of recovering my voice by draining copious amounts of honey packet things into my throat. Also I've got some things to write before I get assigned senseless end-of-the-year papers. Afternoon, y'all.
Peace frogs in fishbowls.
P.S. folk.