Mar 04, 2007 22:15
Three things i have learned NEVER to talk about with beatle fans i am not friends with:
-Yoko. Freakin'. Ono.
-Anything even related to Yoko. Freakin'. Ono. (that's one of the reasons my new myspace layout has john and her on it-i'm making a public point. There is nothing wrong with Yoko Ono.)
- George's spirituality (now, i can't even talk about this with people in general, LOSERS. Intolerant MORONS.)
-The fact that George never once in his life had the "Holier than thou" air to him. Intolerant morons beg to differ on the TRUTH.
- The fact that they were all terrible husbands at one point in their life, face it. They weren't saints. SO DON'T BE LET DOWN WHEN THEY AREN'T FLAWLESS.
- Two words: PATTI BOYD.
-HOW FREAKIN' MUCH I DESPISE THE NICKNAMES. dear GOD Paulie is the name of a cracker eating BIRD.What's next, McCartney wanna cracker? Johnny is ehhh ok....Georgie...Die. George Porgie in a joke is funny, but overused by me XD. Rings....Just say Ringo. Paulie is the one that gets to me.
There are others, but these are the highlights.
With that being said, these are the ingrediants to some major fussy people.
Moving on!
Went out to eat with My Godparents i haven't seen in aaaages...It's funny, after a few beers Don is all hyped up and talking about his 60's experiences, how he got drunk with a bunch of other people and linked arms and sang to Sgt. Pepper's....XD...
I have an article for the teens section of the newspaper due tomorrow. Snap. It's a preview on Aladdin Jr. The interviews made me feel all cool and official..../dhork.
SPEAKING OF DHORK (wow, i am raping my caps lock key tonight haha) I got Fan of the month at the dark pony site!!!! Seriously folks, I don't beg people to go view things or leave comments, BUT READ MY FREAKIN' SUBMISSION FORM. I slaved over that baby. And actually editted it! lol...
I keep quoting Fivel goes west. And no one laughs. T_T rollin' rollin' rollin' attaaaaaack....
Hmmm....I feel the need to change things around again. On livejournal and everything. I'm so weird. XD. And hyper. Cheesecake, maaan. Good stuff, i'll die from all that sugar tonight...
Ehhh this week's gonna suck. But it's all good. It's all good in dah hood.