Aug 21, 2006 17:29
I'm in Cape Cod till Saturday, hopefully not longer than that. Kinda bored so far, and my only compuer access is at my grandparents house, which we'll go to maybe once more. Back to school in two weeks. I'm sorry if i'm missing seeing people before they leave, hopefully i'll be able to catch mostly everyone. I guess in reality I only have like five more days here to fill with things to's just that i came here to suposedly rest and now i don't feel like resting. oh well, at least it's beautiful here...and i get to see grandpa sam. hey, if you want to visit, call me i'll help you mapquest it. we've got a lake and my puppy.
i don't even know why i'm on lj, i just had access to a computer and nothing better to do with it.