Jul 08, 2005 01:06
Ok.. Just posting a blog because i haven't in a while.
So this is going to be random but prolly make a little sense.
+Aaron is now home.
+Our 11 months is Sunday!
+Brooke comes back Sat. and we are supposed to hang out!
+Finley is officially house trained. Muahaha! Thanks to me.
+I am starting to customize my Escape.
+I'm addicted to my iPod.
+I'm leaving for the beach Monday
- Aaron can probably only come down for the day.
+Me and Aaron get to hang out at the beach together. I am going to get that boy a surfing! hehe
+I did my hair awesome today.
+(This is random but it makes me happy) My eyelashes looked awesome today
+After I come back from the beach I have a modeling course thingy!
+I actually LOVE yoga!
+I like taking that urban dance class the other day.
-Summer seems to be going by really fast.
+I have found out a lot about myself in the past 2 months.
+I have changed a lot for the better b/c of Aaron my family and my new friends.
+I talked to my Pastor last weekend about spirituality and finding yourself with the help of the lord and all that and Pastor P is awesome and I can't believe how much He helped me.
+Church is awesome and I love god!
- Still confused on my whole church life and where I belong. I need to start looking around for a youth group. Or some sort of Young Christian based organization or something.
+ I am looking forward to all the new expierences that are coming my way
+I don't fret on the past as much.
+The future doesn't scare me as much now.
+I love my family.
+I love Aaron.
+I love Finley!
+I love my friends.
+I love not having drama.
+And I love feeling "high" about life and everything (as corny as that sounds)
+ I love you!
+++ Wow! I'm so overwhelmed with happiness.. And still very confused about what's going to happen next! But I can't wait! ((haha as corny as that sounds))