Jul 16, 2007 21:46
i think i just spent 3 days in heaven. in other words, i went to newburgh for the weekend.
I got there around 6:45 on Friday night and i looked really cute :) and just seeing him open the door for me put the absolute biggest smile on my face. we tried to go to a party in walkill but we got a little lost and then our only idea was to go down this really long gravelly road in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere and Matt didn't want to take his car down there so we just went back to the room instead. I passed out at like 10:30 and I got to sleep next to my baby. he's so freaking comfortable.
Saturday morning i was wide awake at 7:15am and i woke him up then too :p. After we laid around all morning we headed to PA (Lords Valley) to have lunch with his parents and then the 4 of us went to Scranton. His dad shopped while Matt, his mom and I went to see HP5. I loved it, but no gushing here. Everyone's got their own opinion about it, although when Fred and George escaped from Hogwarts def. has to be my favorite scene. And Umbridge was played perfectly. The end.
Aaanyways, we met Ritchie and his brother in Middletown on the way back from Scranton and the 4 of us carpooled to Poughkeepsie Sat. night for the Symphony X concert, which was the original reason I went to Newburgh for the weekend. I was a little sick (I think i drank a little too much too fast lol) so I sat down the entire time. But they played Paradise Lost, which is all I care about. I was so thrilled they did that, I jumped up and ran to Matt and we just grinned like idiots the entire song. That was the song that first introduced me to them, and it was amazing. I have Matt to thank for that. Tickets at the Chance are only $20 too, so it was quite affordable. By the time we got back to Newburgh, I was totally passing out and Matt and I passed on the diner trip so we could go to sleep. I was out like a light, curled up in my baby's sheets. Apparently I looked "cute" lol.
Sunday was the day I was supposed to leave. I slept till 9 or 10 but then laid around for awhile again because we lay around and snuggle and cuddle alot and we have alot of fun doing it. we ended up going to middletown to chill for about 3 hours (we had to leave at 5ish so I could get home around when my parents were expecting me) but Matt and i both didnt want to go so i called my mom and told her i was staying one more night because it was flooding and thunderstorming horribly and i didnt want to drive in that or in the dark. complete excuses, but she knew i just wanted to stay and it was cool. we ended up leaving m-city after 9. we had a sick game of Kings going on and Wii bowling (i learned how to play and got 2 strikes in a row) and i was def. drunk by 2:30 in the afternoon lol. Not too bad, but drunk and having a great time. I spoke up a bunch too, I wasn't as quiet either. I was really happy with myself. :) we ended up crashing around 11 last night and it was the best night of sleep. i was just happily in his arms in my spot just like i slept all this past semester and i slept so good. we both did actually, we're just so used to sleeping together that it's wonderful when we can again.
this morning matt called out of work to spend some more time with me (:DDD) i stalled and didn't leave till a little after 1pm. i walked around campus, nosed around some of the construction, visited Registrar and Res Life to take care of some stuff and spent lots more cuddly time with Matt. and i only cried a little bit when i left this time, it was an improvement.
this weekend i extremeily happily gorged myself on quiznos and subway (my 2 new favs), mint chocolate sandwich ice cream, and malibu and more malibu. i love him and he loves me and snuggling with him is the sweetest thing i can think of. i saw a bunch of his friends who i havent seen in awhile, i got to chill with his parents who are also great...and he's coming to visit in a few weeks.
i dont care that i have 5 days straight of work ahead of me or that I'm home under the wing of parents again or anything. i am in love and theres nothing you can do to change that feeling.
The End <3.