[ private | unhackable ]
Light is back... of all the times in the world. And he remembers me. Remembers everything that had happened from the time we'd been...
No. That's the past. I found out about him, all that time back... I can't risk falling into his plans again. Not when we are so close to bringing Alexis down...
So long as I behave like I'm only upset because he left me, he shouldn't have any reason to interfere with my work. I can't risk falling into the trap of being used again and... nnnh. This is so frustrating! Who can I trust any more? Cain is the only person who doesn't want me involved, but he's the only one I've walked this far with... And Guy, for everything he does, so selflessly. But even he can't get too involved. He has his own world's people to worry about too... He reminds me of Ky, sometimes. Dear, dear Ky... I'm so glad you're no longer here even though I miss you so. But maybe someday, if magic and time permit, maybe I will follow Axl, and maybe I will find you again, if you will remember me...
I can't let them, and the friends who wish me well, get hurt... oh bother, so many secrets, so many masks. When does it all end?
It hurts. I know I felt something for Light, something that... made me feel no longer lonely. But he's a schemer, just like Alexis. None of them are like Axl, none of them... none of them just want to have someone without making good use of them. And in return, all I can do is use them back... I've found out much because of them, but I still need to know more...
I want to be free of them all. Soon. It will be soon...
And to top it off,
Vivio and that Arrancar... how am I going to help her? Just...
This is all too much...
I have to focus. One step at a time. Talk to DS, train my magic. Act normal, maybe I can play music with Daryan and Seiya... But I'll have to stay on my guard. Look to my job, let no one be burdened-- keep the ones in the know up-to-date. Integra, Guy, A.B.A... I'm not alone, and I'm not weak. I can do this. I'm scared, this is all too much. But I can't be weak...
It'll end soon. And maybe then, I can go home... I can go to Axl.
I just want to rest peacefully...
[ \ private ]
[ filtered to concerned friends/vivio's friends who know Meg; informants to be added ]
To those who know Vivio and are seeing
her as she is right now, do not provoke her. She's not in her right mind-- something, someone has tampered with her, and I need all the information I can get about who has taken her. My strongest suspicions are with
this person, who spoke with her. Grimmjow, you could have been useful here...
I can't use my magic on her at this time-- it's too dangerous and I can't run the risk of harming her when I don't even know what's going to bring her back. I could run an analysis, but... I want to know who took her and I want to know what he's done, because without it, we won't be able to restore her back to the way she was.
I'm really sorry... Everyone's going through so much because of the curses, and now this... If it's not the City, it's the people. A vicious carousel spin... Where does it ever end?
Curse after curse... this is getting too exhausting. Maybe, if there's not too much work today at the hospital and at the restaurant, I should like to play some music.
All this stress is certainly bad for a lady, heh.
There's nothing to do but wait, now.