Sorting Hat - Fran

Apr 23, 2011 08:35

Player Information
Name: Rose
Timezone: PMT
Personal Journal: roseblades
Players Contact/AIM: kakarikarose
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Karkat Vantas
How did you hear about us?: dear mun originally~

Character Information
Name: Fran
Canon Origin/Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Teaching Position and why it suits them: Transfiguration. Canon wise Fran is one of the three best illusionists in the world, making things look like other things, and transfiguration seems like the best carry over from that.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Out of school living location: Venice, Italy
Blood status: Halfblood

Personality: The most obvious thing about Fran is his apathy. No matter what's happening to him or around him, he almost always has the same blank and uncaring look. Hardly anything phases him no matter what's going on. Even as someone's stabbing knives into his back or stabbing him with a trident, he barely even acknowledges it aside from slight complaining and asking them to please stop. Which is another part of his personality actually, he's obviously very self-disciplined. He can control his emotions better than anyone known. Pain, fear, distress, happiness, depression... None of it is able to break through the cold mask he has made for himself.

His apathetic mask, however, is highly contradictory to the rest of his personality. Fran has been known to be very sarcastic and mocking to anyone and everyone, even his own partners, master and allies. No matter what is said Fran usually has something to say about it or at the very least, some way to make fun of the person. With Belphegor Fran constantly refers to him as a Fallen Prince, knowing that his princely status is the one thing Bel prides the most. He also insults and breaks Bel's knives knowing that it would also get to him. Even his Master who he obviously respects to some degree isn't spared by Fran's nature. The boy comments on Mukuro's habit of always wanting to take credit even for things he didn't do and more often than not makes fun of him for his hairstyle looking like a pineapple. In both cases not even bodily harm gets him to stop his mocking, which of course they both stab him every time he does such. And just like always, he just gives a sarcastic complaint and even throws in some crocodile tears now and then. Fran's seemingly inability to register actual pain can be considered a major weakness seeing as how pain is a necessity in order to survive. That along with his inability to keep his thoughts to himself and freely insults others, even those stronger than him, it's a miracle Fran hasn't gotten himself killed yet. (Not from lack of trying on Bel's part though)

Fran is also a highly playful individual. He loves games and pranks more than anything. Once again, total contradiction to his emotionless demeanor. When it comes to his enemies he prefers to play with them more than cause actual physical harm. He's also more known to use his illusions to fake people's deaths in order to run away. As such, he seems oddly fascinated with the blood and gore that comes along with it. Claiming that he has to make sure it looks as real as possible and is always quite pleased with his work; particularly the times when he makes it look like Belphegor died. That's pretty much his main goal to become an illusionist was being able to fool people and mess with them for his own amusement. He's very proud of his skills and makes a complaint when Mukuro tries to claim the glory for himself.

That's another thing about Fran. Even though he's a member of the mafia and the student of a man who wants to destroy the world, he seems to have a bit of a hero complex. Not in the sense that he goes out of his way to help people, but he seems to like the idea of being a hero. It goes as far as him explaining to Belphegor that in order to open his box weapon he had an elaborate hero pose that had to be done but because of the frog hat he's forced to wear he was unable to raise his hands above his head to complete his motions like he wanted to. Though despite all his power, he tends to be rather lazy as well at times. He'd much rather prefer pushing off his workload on someone else if at all possible so he won't have to lift a finger himself.

One other thing about him that's not quite as obvious as the rest is the fact that despite everything, Fran is loyal and mostly obedient. Whenever he's given an order from someone he's working for, he always follows through. Even when Squalo commanded that he had to go out on a search with Belphegor he did little more than give a few complaints and insults before following through anyways. Fran also risked a lot by using his illusions to trick Vendice, the impenetrable prison where the most dangerous criminals to the mafia are held, into releasing his Master. By actually pulling it off and getting Mukuro free, it's said that Fran is one of the only three illusionists in the world powerful enough to be able to pull something like that off. He's also said to be a genius prodigy like Belphegor, but his uncaring, cheeky attitude tends to make that fact rather hard to pick up on.

Canon Background: Fran's first appearance was during the main battle in Italy when the Vongola was moving it's forces against the Millefiore. After Varia took over one of the castles belonging to Millefiore, Fran was sent out with Belphegor to search for the Funeral Wreath. Just to their luck, they happened to be the ones to find said Wreath who happened to be Belphegor's twin brother. When it came time to fight, Fran didn't open his box weapon and blamed it on the huge hat he was forced to wear. He said he could only open it with a special pose, and because of the hat he couldn't raise his arms above his head like he wanted to. Which probably would have saved them a lot of trouble if he had opened it, seeing as how Fran possesses on of the rare mist rings, the 666 Hell Ring. But no, instead Rasiel's bats were able to attack and supposedly killed them both. After Rasiel leaves them for dead, it's shown that Fran actually used his illusions to make it look like they had died while really they were hiding under the leaves on the forest floor. Fran is very proud of his work with how brutal he made the deaths.

Later, he's supposedly missing from the Varia but really went to meet up with M.M. and the rest of the Kokuyo gang in order to help them get Rokudo Mukuro released from Vendice prison by tricking the guards with his illusions. Mission accomplished (something that's said to only be able to be done by the top three illusionists in the world), he accompanies Mukuro to the battle with the Real Six Funeral Wreaths. Once again he creates illusions of his teammates dying bloody and gruesome deaths and just like before, is pleased with his work and claiming that illusions are like pranks and have to be as realistic as possible. After the battle is over, he leaves with Varia and that's the last that's seen of him.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): When Fran was a child he lived with his witch mother who raised him alone. He never knew anything about his father other than he was a muggle, though as he got a little older he highly suspected his mother was drunk at the time of his conception and probably doesn't even know who the father is herself. But that never bothered him, he really didn't care. His mother home schooled him for the most part, knowing that it was inevitable the boy would get an invitation to Hogwarts. Though if there was one thing his mother taught him it was that the world was a cruel place and people would find anyway to hurt someone that they could. She didn't shelter her child, she let him see the world for what it really was and let him form his own opinions on it. Horror movies did wonders for that really. Though a six year old becoming disturbingly fascinated by blood and gore was probably the least of her worries.

What she didn't plan was that her baby boy would turn out to be such a sarcastic little prank playing brat. While she was motherly towards him most of the time, Fran knew that if his mother happened to fall for one of his pranks he'd better run as fast as he can and hide himself until her temper cooled down. That way he'd only get an annoyed smack upside the head than the other possible punishments she could give him. It was during those times that she noticed her son showed exceptional little magic bursts, more often even than normal children did. She added looking over magical studies to his tutoring along with the basic muggle teaching she had been giving him before. Because despite being a witch herself, she was originally muggleborn before she attending Hogwarts herself and she still enjoyed living close to the muggle society and made sure her son knew it just as well.

When he was finally sent off to Hogwarts, he couldn't have been happier. His wand (Olive, 14 1/2 in, kelpie hair) became his new best friend. He wasn't so much interest in the reading aspects as he was the practical ones, and it seemed like he was a natural at most of his subjects with Charms and Transfiguration being his favorites. Sorted into Ravenclaw, he had all the intelligence and wit that the house represented and proved again and again that there was more to him than it seemed at first glance. However, his habit of using his magic to play pranks on teachers and students alike made him a bit of a trouble maker. Despite his high grades and talent, he never made it to Prefect as his behavior and mouth often got him into a fair amount of trouble. He would never get himself expelled though, always walking the line and finding loopholes in the rules to see just what he could get away with while receiving the minimum punishment.

He was also a Seeker on the Quidditch team for six years, his small size making him fast enough on his broom. As such he trained himself not to react to any sort of pain, making him less likely to lose focus when hit by a bludger. He adapted that habit for just about anything, being picked on sometimes in school for his size and somewhat androgynous looks. He found that if people don't get a reaction, they leave you alone. So everything he did picked up a more deadpanned expression and tone, not a single fuck being given of what anyone said or did to him.

Around his sixth year it was obvious that not only was Transfiguration his best class, but he was also a natural prodigy in it. He took an interest in the possibilities of Animagus and began studying and trying to learn how to transform. It wasn't until he was 19, after he had already graduated and was living in an apartment his mother bought for him in Venice, that he finally learned how to transform. He wasn't too pleased with the form, but figured it could always be worse. A coyote, the insightful prankster animal. He figured he probably should have seen something like that coming. Not too long after he returned to England, registering with the Ministry as an Animagus, he figured he should really do something with his life instead of sitting around at home practicing wandless magic. So, back to Hogwarts it was in order to become a teacher. He didn't like kids and he didn't really like teaching. But it was kind of fun seeing the looks on their faces whenever he decided to randomly give them a pop quiz with no prior warning. So it was good enough for him. Besides, his mother told him if he didn't get a job she'd personally kick his ass. And he really didn't want that, and teaching at Hogwarts was probably the best deal he could find.

He was kind of disappointed he didn't get to have the position of Ravenclaw Head of House, but he didn't mind too much. Most of his older students were all taller than him, and he was often mistaken for a student himself by the newer kids. Once again, it didn't really bother him. He made sure his lessons were mostly practical, wanting little writing and reading as possible himself, and attended every Quidditch match there was. He missed flying and sometimes wondered if he could be a badass professional Quidditch player and go on to win the World Cup-but that takes too much effort. It was a nice daydream though.

Sample Journal Entry: Ah... I almost forgot I had this. Lost it under some books I guess. Oh well. Anyways, I can probably use this to keep in touch with all of you. It's kind of useful to get to know the students better after all. And my coworkers. But I really don't think most of them like me. Now that I think about it, I don't think most of you students like me either. But that's okay. I really don't mind. After three years I've kind of gotten used to that.

Anyways. Yeah. Since there's a Quidditch game coming up I won't have time to grade your test papers, so I'm moving the test itself till after the match. But don't worry. There'll be more questions to make up for the delay. Gotta make sure you're paying attention in class. And I've got something special planned for the practical portion. So you'll be surprised on that. I won't say what it is though. That'll ruin the fun. But I guess it doesn't matter since it's different for all the years. And yeah. The test being moved counts for all of you.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: A lot of people had things that they cared about. Things that might not make sense to most others, but it made sense to them and that was all that mattered. Just something to hold onto, something that no one else would ever be allowed to touch. Fran never quite understood that concept though. Because really, if you had something that you didn't want someone to touch then that was pretty much begging someone to do something to it. Simple reverse psychology. Someone says don't do something and the other person is tempted to do it.

Though Fran doesn't really believe in reverse psychology, it never worked for him in the past. Why does it matter? He doesn't think it does really. He didn't do what he did because he was told not to. Honestly, he can't remember if he was even told not to in the first place. Just another minor detail. Facts were facts and at that moment the simple fact was that there, sitting on his desk in his office, was something he wasn't supposed to touch.

The dull lifeless eyes of the puppet stared back at him accusingly and Fran met the stare with possibly even less emotion than the dummy was showing. After all, the dummy was smiling at him. It was kind of creepy really, he could understand why a bunch of the kids didn't like it. He didn't really like it too much either, but that wasn't why he was doing this. No, it was entertainment he was looking for. Just a simple moment of amusement when a certain professor realizes that his best friend happens to be missing.

Another few minutes pass with Fran simply staring at the doll, idly wondering how long it would take his coworker to notice it was gone. One class, maybe two if he was lucky. Fran stood from his seat and picked Lil' Cal up from the desk to head into the classroom. He was sure at least some of his students would get a kick out of transfiguring the Charms Prof's creepy ass puppet into something mildly less frightening. Maybe a pineapple. No, Mukuro wouldn't be in his class till later. He'll save the fruit jokes till then. Too bad. He'd really like to see the look on Bro's face when he realizes that Cal had been turned into a delicious fruit.

Fran paused as he sat the puppet down on a table in the middle of the empty classroom. The fake Cal he had left in the Charms room would turn back into frog in a couple hours, he'd probably have to return the real one by then if he didn't want to get in too much trouble. But maybe Bro wouldn't mind if the puppet was sprouting a few new appendages. After all, he seemed to love those other smuppets so much perhaps adding those features to Cal would be an improvement.

Probably not. But the look on his face would be worth it. And worse comes to worse, Fran had always been rather good at running and hiding. Yep. It would totally be worth it.

sorting hat, ooc, app

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