Hubby & I are getting a dog!! :D Like right now, not maybe sometime next spring. :D
Her name's Annie, and she's a beautiful medium sized doberman/lab mix. :) Her shoulders come up to about my knees, and she's 60 pounds.
She'll be ready to come home with us sometime next week.
In the meantime, I have a lot of shopping to do.
She pulls, so the shelter's recommended a good no-pull harness for me to buy (& I'll be picking up a leash of course)..
We also need all of the normal dog things. Food/water bowls, crate (wire or plastic?), dog bed(s), tug of war toys, chew toys, puzzle-entertain-the-dog toys... and I'm SURE that I'm forgetting something drastically important.
Dog people: What is your favorite dog thing? What very important thing am I forgetting?
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