Fic Rec - Gone But Not Forgotten by Bryant Maclagan

Oct 20, 2004 18:16

Two posts in one day?!?! I know, the shock almost killed me. I've been all twitchy because I've been waiting for this lady from a publishing house to call me for an interview. She had called Monday, I missed her, and I called her, etc, basically we seem to be playing phone tag. So I stayed home today to wait like a girl by the phone, and decided to be productive. Did I break out my GRE study book, oh nooo, I read fanfic instead, so here is a rec. Also, for some reason my html tags don't seem to be working, any suggestions on how to fix this problem?.....

Last week I read a fic called Gone But Not Forgotten by the Queer As Folk author Bryant Maclagan. Located at, it's an alternative universe fic in which Justin is a very rich and reclusive artist. On his way home, Justin is kidnapped, and he is soon joined in captivity by Brian. Together as they fight to stay sane, a tentative friendship occurs, followed by love. Here's a snippet:

As he pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer in the table, Justin began to draw. He began to draw his childhood home, paying special attention to the lush trees, and lake near their manor. He barely paid any attention to the door opening, deciding it wasn't worth his attention, he was supposed to be asleep. It wasn't until he looked up, did he know that his world had definitely stopped. Before him was the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Tall, muscular - not overly muscular either - auburn hair, and eyes that seemed to change from green to gold. The man before him was absolutely beautiful. Justin took in the rest of the body, noticing that the entire package he could live with. "Well at least they stuck me with someone good-looking." Justin stated with a smile as he plopped his feet up on the table. "My names Justin, and since we're stuck here, welcome to my hell."

I loved this fic because its idea is fresh and the writing has depth. The Brian in this story still wears his Brian Kinney mask, but he evolves into a more real person. The liberty gang doens't seem to even notice that he's missing until he isn't there to give them money or something else they need from him. This hurts Brian and the audience is able to see how it affects him and ultimately the way he will live his life. His secretary Cynthia(incidentally we have the same name yay!!) and Ted are surprising allies, and go beyond the call of duty insure Brian and Justin's return. Bryant Maclagan is fabulous at details, especially when we witness the psychological effects of the boy's kidnapping. With drama, angst, and hot slash, this fic is a must read. I give this fic 4 bottles of Jameson's Whiskey
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