Yes, updates are overdue...

Nov 15, 2010 19:32

...but honestly, who goes on LJ that much anymore, now that there's Facebook.

So, quickly:

Last week Mechal got a repeat ear infection.  She was put on a very strong antibiotic- that never worked.  She was sent to the ENT because she had a severe wax build up and to follow up on the ear infection.  She started developing a problem hearing.  She wouldn't respond to us, or stare blankly at us when we spoke to her.  She would constantly say "What?"  The hearing problem got worse and worse and by the time we got to the appointment with our ENT, she was only hearing 10% of what was being said.  She would put her ear up against our mouths to try to hear something.

It was incredibly heartbreaking to watch.

We went to the ENT and he cleaned her ears out.  There was so much wax, it was nauseating.   In the one bad ear, there was 2 jelly beans worth of wax.  In the other, 1 jelly bean of wax.  Gross.  But afterwards- she could hear!  At about 85% of the time!  And the few hours afterwards, it seemed like all of her hearing was back.  But then the next day, she was back to saying "what?" and she was hearing at 70% and then 60%.

So, today I took her back to the ENT, knowing that the antibiotic hadn't worked and she had fought the infection off herself.  He checked her and said she had no infection but a lot of fluid and she's being put on something for it.  The fluid in her ears can cause hearing problems, so it makes sense.

She's being sent for a hearing test at Hadassah Haktanah in 2 weeks.  G-d willing, her hearing will go back to normal and there won't be any lasting effects from this infection.

Now, on to Tzviel:

Today was Tzviel's appointment with the ENT to reassess his situation and determine how soon he needed surgery.  Dr. Friedman and I spoke about him and I told him that while I do feel that Tzviel's breathing has gotten worse, he has gotten somewhat manageable.  I feel that the surgery could be pushed off some more.  Dr. Friedman examined him and said that he agreed.  It is better to wait, so we are waiting and he is hopeful that there may even be a possibility to push the surgery until he is 2!

So that was really positive news and we are all breathing a great big sigh of relief.  Baruch Hashem!!!
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