(no subject)

Feb 06, 2005 16:03

Yesterday I did stuff. First I woke up and went to eat lunch with lea. Then, I went to help Shawn move. By help Shawn move, I mean show up, eat pizza, move a mattress, assemble some shelves, and make wombat jokes for half an hour. The wombat jokes were all lea's fault, for bringing into the world the idea of critical wombat failure. But now Shawn has a house in Pittsburgh, which is really cool.

Upon return to campus, I went to see the last three quarters of Sharara, the Mayur show. The first half was filled with pretty. Oh, man, pretty dancing, clothing, people. The second half was taken up mostly by a long, boring imitation American Idol. Blah.

After that, I went to CFA cluster to help lea make a catenary in AutoCAD. I mostly failed at this, but dfontaine showed up and saved the day. Then lea, dfontaine and I went to House of Cards for a pancake party. When we arrived, they were out of pancakes, but there were brownies and cider. Then we watched Deep Blue (I think?), a rather confusing anime. Upon return to home, I went to sleep, at about 5:30.

This morning I woke up at about 9 with an incredible pain in my back. All my muscles on the right side were tensed up and hurt a lot. I stretched until it felt a little bitter, and then I went back to sleep. When I woke up, it was fine. I suspect this coms from the way I carried the mattress at Shawn's, but I'm really not sure.

Still sick, but only a little.

pretty, catenary, lea, anime

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