(no subject)

Mar 14, 2003 05:10

Mmmm...sleepy. I hate my circadian rhythm. It would be nice to be able to sleep when I was tired and wake up when refreshed, rather than being locked into a sleepy-at-night, awake-in-the-day cycle. I mean, for heaven's sake, I got ten hours of sleep! Why am I tired just because those hours ended at midnight?

In other news CtFwS is tonight. Holding the fence was quite fun, even though it majorly screwed up my sleep schedule and caused me to miss many classes.

I have a Matrix test in five hours...hope I am awake, as it is rather crucial I get a good grade- I currently have a C- in that class, which irritating because it is so easy.

Oh, I should also point out that this is my first entry ever. Thanks to theadana for the invite code.

first, that time at the fence, lmarsh, ctfws

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