(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 20:54

Guys I have done so many things.

I went to Seattle twice to visit first my mother (who was visiting my sister) and my sister and second to visit grad school people. This was great. I finally saw my sister's boat!

Work burnt down and fell into a swamp roughly around the first time I visited. I worked a lot, including all through a weekend and until two that Monday morning. Then my manager drove me home in his girlfriend's extremely nice car and we were pulled over (but let go!) for speeding.

Maggie came to visit, as part of her tour of grad schools and also visiting the Bay Area. She is, as I may have in the past mentioned, the best. We hung out.

I went to Pittsburgh for Carnival this past weekend. I saw so many good people, many of whom were girls of a little over 5 feet of height, but others who were also good.

liz, kat, work, pittsburgh, maggie, adventures, chris, seattle, emily k, family, zomg this list consists only of girls na, lea

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