
Nov 03, 2005 19:33

I have had adventures!

Last Thursday, I spent the day looking for birthday presents for my sisters. This involved wandering around South Side, Squill and the Waterfront, or about six or seven hours. My sister, you see, is at the Coast Guard Academy. This esteemed institution does not allow its fine students things like possessions. As such, my sister requested gift certificates for places she likes to eat. One of these was Cold Stone Creamery. There are at least three of these in Pittsburgh. The one in Squill had no gift certificates. The one in South Side (which took about two hours to find) had one for five dollars. The one at the Waterfront had them. Once I found it. It's not on the map of the Waterfront. Concurrently with this adventure, I also looked several places to find my other sister a copy of Taboo for her birthday.

Friday was full of sending packages. I'm sure I did other things, but I don't know what.

The weekend was full of work. Much work. On Thesis.

Monday was an advisor meeting and a KGB meeting full of much booth.

Monday and Tuesday also consisted of soliciting grad school recs, with at least apparent success. The past three days have been mostly a panicked search for where to apply to grad school. The theoretical list at the moment is CMU, UPenn, UCLA, UWashington, UChicago, Northeastern, and some number of {Cornell, Stanford, Harvard, UMD}. This is not final, however, and there are a few more schools I want to look into.

I am also applying for an NSF fellowship, as of the night before last.

I also had an interview Tuesday with Amazon. They liked me and called me back wednesday for three half hourish interviews. The second one, while sitting waiting for it, the name Matthew was called twice. One turned out to be the guy who was interviewing me later who had called me in too early by accident. The second was for an entirely different Matthew. In theory, I should find out tonight whether they want to hire me. Hopefully they will, and then give me until after I hear from graduate schools to decide. Idunno how likely that is.

KGB has the fence. I have spent far too little time there.

CtFwS is Friday.

I have no idea who is staying in my house this weekend.

I am moving tomorrow into my room unless lowry shows up tonight.

Tonight and this weekend is full of Thesis.

grad school, adventures, kgb, job, ctfws, thesis

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