Jan 29, 2005 11:46

ok i am PISSED ! yes i am back to cutting....i do some everyday now!!!! to my dad...he pisses me off so fking bad i swear!!! i can't see ben untill i get my room clean....WHICH WILL BE IN FOREVER!!! my room is a desaster! has never been clean in my whole time i was so pissed off i baged everything in my room and all that i had in there was my dresser my bed and my doll house at the time.....and according to my dad...IT STILL WAS NOT CLEAN!.....we have to clean EVERYDAY...even if there is NOTHING to tired of comming home and the very first thing i hear is HEATHER CLEAN NOW!!....when i get home from skool i want to sleep and eat....but no i can't even do that.......he assumes WAY TO MUCH! yesterday i was talking to my dad i asked him if ben could go to my gmas house w/ us for his bday tomorrow...and quickly resonded NO..i said WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO U...he said WAT HE DID TUESDAY WHEN HE WAS HUGGING U BUT U WOULDN'T KNOW BECAUSE IT WAS BEHIND YOUR BACK....then he gave an expample.....he said when we were standing in the door way he walked up to give me a hug ben saw my dad said that he moved in frount of us so i could see him....and he said that ben quickly swung me around so my back is towards my dad went to come back to give me a hug...and when i did ben was pulling me away......HELL NO THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED.....WAT ACTULLY HAPPENED WAS BEN WAS COMPHERTING ME ...AND MY DAD CAME UP...WE MOVED TO LET HIM THROUGH...THEN WE THOUGHT HE WANTED BACK THROUGH.....SO WE REALLY MOVED AND WE HAPPENED TO SPIN AROUND....THEN MY DAD WAS WALKING TOWARD US ...(SOMETIMES HE'LL INTENIONALY GET IN THE WAYS THATS WAT I THOUGHT HE WAS DO8ING) SO WE MOVED OUT OF THE WAY MORE....THEN MY DAD GRABED ME TO GIVE ME A HUG...I HELD ON TO BENS HAND BECUASE I LOVE HIM AND I DIDN'T WANT TO LET GO.........EER...DOES MY DAD BELIEVE ME???? HELL NO! BUT THAT IS WAT HAPPENED!.....ok i calmed down a tad now...ben just called.....:D yeay!....:/ gotta look stuff up for them ..its so hard!...well no its not..but idk where they left off at on that im haveing a really hard time finding is my dad an ass??? FUCK HIM!! THATS WAT I GOT TO SAY...F-U-C-K HIM!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! he made me get off the phone w/ ben so he could use it....and hes not dialing yet er!
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