I wanted to have some Snapey pr0n ready for Snape's birthday, but I don't. So instead, I took a stroll through my memories and pulled out my favourite Snape-centric fic and art. In honour of his birthday, here are Snapey recs:
Giftart for Duck Puppy by
lizardspots. Remus/Severus. Clothed snogging. This and the next are two of my favourite Snupin artses ever.
My Rules Another by
lizardspots. Remus/Severus, MWPP-era. NWSish, depending on how prudish the people you're around are.
Untitled by
kainoliero. Remus/Severus, B&W smooching. I think I'm having a kiss kink right now.
Untitled, Odd Angle Challenge by
_noesumeragi_. Very NWS, and so GUH-inspiring.
Get Me Off by
fiendling. I've moaned over this one in other posts. It's just... OMG, I love this so, so, so much.
Untitled by
karasu_hime Remus and Severus school-aged. It makes me all melty.
Dumbledore's Man by
karasu_hime. Snape gen, HBP spoilers, absolutely gorgeous.
Art Noveau by
ledivinemarquis. Snape gen. I'd love to get bookplates made of this.
Spells for Binding by
ponderosa121. Snape/Lockhart, rated R, light bondage. Don't like this pairing much but LOVE this piece.
Random favourites :D
Anything But Black by
jedirita. Remus/Severus, NWS. Summary: He had had sex with Lupin. Snape wasn't sure how he felt about that. One of the best blowjob descriptions ever.
Stories by
violet_quill. Snape/Lupin, rated G. SUCH a sweet ficlet, wherein "Tonks tells a small girl a story about why she has two daddies."
Evolution by
thetreacletart- Snape/Lupin, NC-17. Summary: Evolution (noun)-A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
There's Work To Be Done by
florahart- Bill/Snape/Neville, rated NC-17. Summary: Neville turns out to be just fine at a couple of things he never expected. I don't know if this threesome exists anywhere else outside this fic :D
Love Is by
kaiz- Severus/Bill, Fleur/Bill, rated NC-17. A unique yet wonderfully IC story, and one of my favourite characterizations of Fleur.
The Fourth Year by
caligryphy- Harry/Severus, rated NC-17. I don't have enough words to describe how much I love this story. It's a long, many-years-post-Hogwarts Snarry that builds a believable, snarky relationship between the two. I can actually say that this is one of my favourite fics ever. Ever. I love it to death.
The Dreaming Spires by
dementordelta- Harry/Severus, rated R. Another post-Hogwarts. It seems AU but isn't, and again, it takes its time and makes the relationship thoroughly believable.