Well....I took my first malaria pill today.

Mar 21, 2007 18:03

Well, in approximately fourteen hours and forty-one minutes, we will be on the plane to Minneapolis then to somewhere that is not Newark and then hopefully to Delhi. I am excited. But worried. Yesterday we were scheduled to end up in Finland. That's been changed. But who knows where we'll end up.

Anyway, I'm trying not to stress and am uploading Nickel Creek, Casey Stratton, and Supernatural photos to Sirius.

I have talked to the bank.
I have a converter.
And a camera.
I need to get cards.
And shower.
And re-organize my pills/bottles.

I wonder what I'm forgetting.

But I'm feeling sort of depressed and that's not an option so I'm going to listen to uplifting music, eat din(n)er, and go be EXCITED! or try anyways.

What I mean is, I love you flist and I can't wait to tell you all about it. ♥.

india, sirius

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