Nov 28, 2004 21:14
alot happened this weekend for me and im mad tired..ill prolly leave somethin out but w/e:
wednesday: Left school early to see my dentist dude about my gums cuz they were killing me. I came back cuz i had to pick something up afterschool but i got back at like 11th period. went to my classroom and no one was in there so i walked the halls that period. then i went to the pep rally 12th period and christine pulled me over to sing with the choir which i was unprepaired for but w/e lol..that was funny cuz i was off beat the whole time. went to brett's house that night i didnt really know the people there so i was talking to people on my phone for some time. then we watched some crappy ass movie that greg picked out...haha everyone hated it. It kind of reminded me of the ghostbusters with the effects n all. anyway when my brother picked me up of course he had to friggin skid every time we turned a corner cuz he thinks its funny when i scream. I cant think of anything else that happened.
friday: wen to the mall with my mom and we picked up whitley cuz she was all alone wandering around lol. bought stuff for people for christmas and went home. I dont really remember anything else besides going to philly with the fam which i hate driving with everyone cuz they always are fighting over directions and whos an asshole and theres a bunch of cursing and all that good stuff...anyway i think thats it
saturday: erm i dont remember the morning much...sean's roomate came over cuz he had his flight from flordia then and yea i found he was a kind of asshole to me but whatever. went to greg's surprise party that night. I didn't really know alot of those people again but whatever. I found that I dont act...stupid....around people i dont know lol but around my friends i do. anyway greg was funny he was like "shit" and walked out of the room. hah...we watched the texas chainsaw massacre and i was with brett again cuz yea i didnt really know anyone there. I didn't go on my phone that much this time though :) my bro and his roomate decided to make some plan to do something but they decided not to...whatever thats what they told me...on the way home they said "hey it would be funny to dump her off on the side of the road.." so i said "u wouldnt have to force me to id go on my own" so they stopped the car i got out and started walking back to gregs house. they drove off but realized that "hey if we come home without her moms gonna be pissed" so they came back and whatnot for me....meanwhile i was trying to call greg to come pick me up before some weirdo did and my phone i was kinda screwed.. so anyway they came back and we went to wawa...they wanted to see how many wawas we could go to or something...dummasses...seans roomate was trying to get me to say "why were u lookin at my bf's ass" too these girls that were looking at him.. and i didnt want to cuz yea thats kinda gay so yea we went home. I found out that they are really weird and actually blasted country music on the way home i confronted my mom about the whole being embarrassed when i dont go to church and i upseted her but whatever i dont think she got the point...shes too emotional for me i cant stand it...
sunday: went to church...i was going to go home with the seans but they decided to go to the mall and they were like "we arent gonna be able to pick up chicks with her...lets dump her on the side of the road again" but they didnt stop this time...when we got there we went to spencers and some other store and i felt like the annoying little sister tagging along bcuz i had nothing better to do (which i guess was true but whatever they really piss me off) dave said that he was cute XD it was funny cuz ive never checked out guys with a gay guy before :) it was fun.. anyway i met up with phil and we circled the mall about 10 times then decided to go to the movies.. we saw the incredibles haha<33 funny stuff whatever i gotta go cuz my dads pulling the cable now...i think im going to put "pissed off" as my mood today....cuz its true.....cya later punks