Jul 27, 2006 19:10
Yesterday was.... entertaining.
it was livi's birthday so her and Riva came over in the after noon well actually I guess it was 5. Summer always makes time go by slower, or so it seems. They were both pretty far under the influence and unable to comprehend anything especially was life was.
It began slowly. Them noticing sorroundings and talking about how beautiful everything was. Me just nodding, smiling and agreeing. Quenching their thirst for understanding. Every so often I was put in what seemed like an impossible situation. One of these was when Riva said " I'm confused.... What is confusion?" I found myself unable to explain what confusion was without somewhat confusing myself. It was an interesting realization.
as time went by, I kept them out of the street and tried to keep them on top of what year it was and who they were, what death was, and what life was. although my thinking and speaking and everything, senses were not distorted, yesterday made me think. Think about a lot of things that I seem to say and not truly think about. It was interesting and changing.
Jon came over. He looks good.
Jack and kyle biked by and seeing as livi and riva were SO far from reality, kyles owl noises scared them and that tiny set of a terribly series of events.
Riva seemed to love annoucning that she was on LSD and was so far into confusion that she was thinking way too hard and ended of scaring herslef as well as livi.
That night turned out pretty bad for them and i love them so much and now livi knows how drugs suck and fuck you up. They're not good and I'm glad I don't do them.
Jack and Kyle were here for awhile and then Jules came over. He brought them hot chocolate and me a kiss on the forehead. He went outside to smoke and i went with him to keep him company, jack and kyle left. Me and jules talked for quite awhile. I started falling asleep, he kissed me and I smiled. My eyelashes were wet from crying simply because of thinking about him. i wish his mom was alive. god how i wish. His little sister, 13 years old is absolutley amazing. Shes beautiful, shes smart and shes keeping it together. i'm so proud.
jules left at 9am. I was fast asleep. Kyle and Jack came over, we went downtown and then came back here. They left to go swimming and i went to get movies.
i think things are good.