Jan 28, 2007 00:48
Today I saw Marie Antoinette with Kate. I wasn't sure what I felt while I was watching it but I feel like a part of me has been impacted greatly. I just think of the tone of the movie and the emotions behind it and it has me greatly affected. I am also dealing with some personal demons in my own relationships at the moment that I don't really have anyone to talk about it with. I haven't talked to James in what seems like forever, it is upsetting because I feel like the one person I know for certain loves me has dropped off the face of the earth. The more problems I have with Satoshi the more I realize it is coming to an evitable and slow death. I have been working so hard to fix the things that made it go awry before. I am finally at a place where I feel some peace and comfort and yet I don't think it will ever really be enough for him. I know it isn't me....I keep telling myself that.....I just feel so lost and alone at the moment, orbiting in space and wishing the grass didn't look so ridiculously green before.
so, my friends, how is your patch of land this evening? I miss hearing from so many of you, it drives me insane.