Tonks's questions

May 07, 2005 10:39

1. I know Bill is very important to you, despite the huge age difference. So - are you okay with us being together?

Of course I'm okay with it! You're much cooler than Bill's last girlfriend, that French girl.

2. How is life at Hogwarts these days? I hear there are lots of new teachers. Do you finally have a proficient DADA teacher again?

It's weird. It's almost like nothing at all happened last year. You'd think after Umbridge there'd be some changes, but right now...there don't really seem to be. By changes I guess I mean...I don't know. Restrictions. More talk about what's going on outside Hogwarts. But there really isn't. We've got Mr. Nott teaching DADA, and I don't trust him. I saw him at Malfoy's trial.

3. What do you think of that new teacher from America? Bill met her and told me she is awfully snotty.

She's...odd. Not really in a bad way. My one class with her meets only twice a week, so I don't see her that often. I really want to understand what she's trying to teach us, but sometimes I really don't. You should've seen what she wore to the Sorting Ceremony, by the way! She didn't look bad, just... I thought McGonagall (and some of the boys!) were going to pass out.

4. Has being a prefect changed your daily life a lot?

It's a lot of work sometimes. I guess it's getting easier as the first-years figure things out.

5. I never got around to giving you a present for your birthday while we both were in the house in London - is there anything you can think of that you'd like?

Oh, I don't know! Anything, really. I'm not picky. I mean, really, you don't have to. Thanks!
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