My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulrose_of_pollux goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as The Mysterious Woman.
cskazaam gives you 17 teal cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.
gmdlover gives you 6 white blueberry-flavoured jawbreakers.
insaneladybug gives you 10 mottled green spearmint-flavoured wafers.
kagome_yuy gives you 12 mauve chocolate-flavoured wafers.
ladyamberjo gives you 19 mottled green coconut-flavoured gummy bats.
pikabellechu gives you 3 purple passionfruit-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
solidfoamsoul gives you 1 green spearmint-flavoured pieces of taffy.
the_sweet gives you 2 yellow peach-flavoured gumdrops.
theatredivachu gives you 19 brown mint-flavoured gummy worms.
yokaisummoner gives you 10 softly glowing peach-flavoured wafers.rose_of_pollux ends up with 99 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by