End of an Era

Apr 24, 2022 22:34

I created this LJ account in 2008, and it is absolutely not hyperbole when I say that things were incredibly different then.

But times have changed, and due to a mixture of factors (some of which are more obvious than others...), I am leaving LJ--possibly for good, though I'm not ruling out the chance of a return should circumstances change. But, for now, I leave it behind, and will leave all entries intact as a record of my time here.

All of these LJ entries are also 100% backed up on my DreamWidth account, which I shall continue to update as my fic log and blurb/drabble area.

As for my blogging/musings, those I tend to post on my tumblr, and have been for a while anyway, particularly my "don't mind me" tag.

So farewell, LJ, and perhaps I'll see you again in better days.

quick post, random

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