
Nov 22, 2017 21:56

I did it-I hit the 50K word goal on November 22nd! I didn’t finish the story, but I had wanted to hit 50K by the 22nd--I was beginning to give up on that as I never seemed to catch up, but a sudden burst of inspiration got me the final push to win the NaNoWriMo challenge--and I’d like to dedicate this victory to the one who inspired this story in the first place, Robert Vaughn.

There is a lot left of this story--I’d say another 10k-15k more, but I’m going to have to take a hiatus for a while before I can finish this story; family issues are going to put me on radio silence for the next few weeks; I’ll be online very sporadically, and some days, not at all (so I can’t guarantee that I’ll keep up with my weekly short affair fics, but I’ll try my best). But that’s life, I guess… And of course, I will return to this and my MFU fics once I’m able to.

quick post, random

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