
Apr 17, 2016 11:42

So, I presented my finch training research at a state-level conference yesterday… and won second place in the grad student category! We’re now three for three! I have to admit, I didn’t expect this, as this was state level (the other two research forums I presented at were within my university) and so competition was fierce, so I’m definitely thrilled! And of course, I couldn’t have done it without the little guys, so I’m definitely going to pamper them all week-more than I usually do, heh.

(Apropos of nothing, one of the other presenters from another university was cosplaying the Eleventh Doctor-red bow tie, suspenders, and even the hairstyle. I didn’t get a chance to ask him if he watches DW, but the level of replication of Eleven’s outfit makes me 99% sure it was intentional)

Also, here’s another pic of finch!Napoleon (on the left) and finch!Illya (it’s a pic from a few weeks ago; that black spot on the end of Illya’s beak is pretty much gone now, making him officially an adult)-

quick post, animals, random

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