Multipurpose post

May 31, 2013 22:02

So, with my recent head-over-heels crushing within the last year over first Davy Jones, then Mike Nesmith, then Jeremy Brett, and now Patrick Troughton, I know I've been focusing on them a whole lot more than my other celebrity crushes.

And that's the point. There are nine more in addition to those four. And sometimes, all I need is a little reminder to drive that home. Long story short, I was watching Rockapella's rendition of "Zombie Jamboree" from the Carmen pilot yesterday and sweet mother of mercy, the *nostalgiaaaaaaa*--Sean's silliness, Scott's cuteness, Elliott's smile, and Barry's accent... *happy sigh*

I know I've been devoting most of my current attentions to Davy, Mike, Jeremy, and Patrick (and will probably continue to do so for a while longer), but Rockapella were my first--so there'll always be that special place in my heart for them--Scott especially, since not only was he the first one I crushed on as a kid, but he's the only one of my 13 celebrity crushes that I've had the unbelievably good fortune of meeting in person. So there's that.

(Oh, and speaking of Rockapella, I did order the current lineup's latest CD; I actually ordered it along with all the Second Doctor DVDs, but I'm holding off until my birthday to listen to it. XD)

And, of course, my crushes on Darren and Simon are still very much there. Faye showed me some pics of Darren from his guest appearance on The Man from UNCLE, and wow... Yes. And thinking of Darren inevitably leads to me thinking of Simon, as well. I was watching part of his Outer Limits appearance, and I realized something very, very interesting... Simon's character is an alien who is recruiting human companions aboard his ship to prevent an interplanetary cataclysm.

I repeat, an alien who is recruiting human companions aboard his ship to prevent an interplanetary cataclysm. Now where have I heard that before...? LOL, the poor Empyrian was just trying to be the Doctor. XD Interestingly enough, Simon's Outer Limits ep aired in early March of 1964--three and a half months after the very first episode of Doctor Who aired in the UK. And, intriguingly enough, though it seems that the Empyrian's method of forcing his companions to come along whether they want to or not seems highly unlike the Doctor... the First Doctor did, in fact, force his first human companions, Barbara and Ian, to come along with him and his granddaughter in the first DW ep.

Actually, the First Doctor started out very cold and merciless--and it's implied that spending time with humans was what mellowed him out by the time he regenerated into Two... who, in turn, mellows out Jamie, who started out incredibly hotheaded--seriously, their first scene together is Jamie holding Two at knife-point, flat-out saying that he has no qualms about killing him on the spot because he thinks (read: no proof) the Doctor is allied with an enemy soldier. Ouch. Poor first impressions much? Of course, this does make their eventual friendship all the more poignant--that Jamie went from being ready to kill the Doctor to being ready to sacrifice his own life for him. And Jamie spent the longest amount of time traveling with him, more than any other companion; there was a bit of an interruption due to the Time Lords wiping his memories, but we do know that his memories were eventually restored and he resumed his travels with the Doctor again--and we don't know for how long it was; Jamie was only 22 when he first met the Doctor, but in "The Two Doctors," he's clearly much older, so depending on how much of a gap there was between the mind wipe/memory restoration, he could've easily been traveling with the Doctor for years and years.

I really do adore Two and Jamie's friendship. More and more, I'm getting a definite surrogate father-son vibe from them--and similar surrogate father-daughter vibes between Two and Victoria, and, later, Two and Zoe. They really were the original Children of Time. And I half-wonder if Two took along/adopted those younger companions because he missed his granddaughter... He just wanted someone to look after. D'aaaw. But then, he was probably utterly torn up after Victoria left and especially after Jamie and Zoe were taken from him and mind-wiped. Agh, I really don't know why the Time Lord Council thought it was necessary to wipe their memories; sure, even if I don't like it, I can understand them separating them from the Doctor as part of the his punishment, but wiping their memories was unbelievably cruel for everyone involved. And, I suppose, that it is a miracle that they decided to let Jamie have his memories back and temporarily suspend the Doctor's sentence of a forced regeneration (I actually have a headcanon about this... in "The End of Time," we see that the Doctor's mother was part of the Time Lord Council, so I do think that she had a hand in the temporary suspension of Two's sentence, as well as getting Jamie back).

And, naturally, I have plenty of plotbunnies for Two and Jamie (and Zoe--the three of them, I think, are my favorite TARDIS Team, so most of them will take place before the mind-wipe and involve Zoe). Going to start with a oneshot (which... Zoe won't be in, because it takes place very shortly after Two met Jamie, so the only other companions will be Ben and Polly, who had been traveling with One earlier), and several multichapter fics, the first of which will be inspired by "Daily Nightly" (it's going to be called "Prisms of No Color") and involve the Doctor's doppelganger from one of the lost arcs (which I very serendipitously have the novelization of--remember when I randomly bought a bunch of Classic DW books at a secondhand bookshop back in January and then never gave another thought to them? Yep, it was in there...). Then I have a fic planned where Team TARDIS end up in a fledgling Texas town in the Old West that's about to be invaded by malevolent aliens (yes, this is the town that ends up naming themselves New Gallifrey after the Doctor saves them). And then I have an OUAT crossover planned which can be summed up in one sentence: "Cora makes Team TARDIS's lives absolutely miserable." And then I have a story planned involving a casual trip to Bermuda that ends up going completely weird (this was originally a plotbunny I had for a Carmen fic, but since I don't write h/c for that fandom anymore... yeah...). And then I have a plunny that Patrick himself gave me (long story behind that; how it happened will be explained in a future post) which would take place after the events of "The Two Doctors" and would involve Two being led to believe that he was suffering some lasting effects of a genetic experiment that he had been subjected to in the arc that had temporarily turned him into a Gallifreyan-Androgum hybrid (it makes sense in context, trust me...), and would be highly concerned that he would be reverting back to that hybrid state.

So, yes, a lot to do, but first I need to write my weekly Monkeesfic update, plus finish that last chapter of the Sherlock fic...

patrick troughton, doctor who, darren mcgavin, story ideas, random, where in the world is carmen sandiego, monkees, musings, rockapella, simon oakland, friendship cuteness, once upon a time

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