Cosplay 30 Days: Day 3

Jun 24, 2011 15:26

3. Your most recent cosplay.

Okita Souji - Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan

Made this for the Sakura Matsuri in April. And yup that's the most recent thing I've finished as far as my own cosplay goes. ^^;; But I will have new stuff for Ota!

I'm also still waiting on more photos of the costume. She only gave me a few so far and I don't want to pester her as I'm not sure exactly how long it takes for her to send the rest but I do hope she does eventually as we did some pretty fun shots and I'd like at least some of the ones of me standing where you can see the whole outfit. But if nothing else, I'll be wearing it again at Dragon*Con with Corey in her Hijikata (its a shame I didn't get it done in time to wear it with the others though back at Katsu). And may just wear this again next Sakura Matsuri because it really was like just the right amount of layers to keep me warm when it got cloudy/windy but not overheat me at the same time.

But it made me happy to do (even if I made it in literally less than a week! O_O;; I didn't sleep much...) 'cause I've always wanted to be a shinsengumi and while I still prefer the Peacemaker version as far as story goes and characterization, Hakuouki does have the prettiest designs for them. At first I felt I should have done the Eastern outfit instead 'cause then I'd be more traditional shinsengumi but chose the Western outfit instead I didn't want to have to style Okita's hair as his hair is so much easier in the Western one. XDXD That and the Western design was more complex (GODDAMN YOU KOI FISH!).

1. Your first cosplay.
2. How many costumes have you done?
3. Your most recent cosplay.
4. Your cosplay communities, where do you go to talk about cosplay?
5. Blatant self plug! Link us to your cosplay page, be it dA, ACP, Coscom, whatever!
6. Your favourite cosplay (that you have done)
7. The character you have cosplayed that is most similar to you (if none that you have cosplayed, then one that you will cosplay)
8. Your cosplay plans for the rest of the year (if you have no more for this year, then do next year!)
9. The dream cosplay that might just happen
10. The dream cosplay that will never happen
11. Something cosplay-related that you will never do (eg. crossplay, cosplay from a certain series)
12. Your cosplay idol.
13. Your cosplay specialty (ie. something that seems to apply to a large amount of your cosplays, it could be a specific series, or a common feature in their appearance, such as glasses)
14. Your cosplay-making habits (eg. singing while working on cosplay)
15. Your least favourite thing about cosplay
16. Do you belong to any cosplay groups? If so, what are they?
17. What events have you cosplayed to?
18. What is your best cosplay memory?
19. What is your worst cosplay memory?
20. Have you won any cosplay awards?
21. Show us your best cosplay derp photo!
22. Have you worn cosplay in a regular situation? (eg. at school, to work)
23. Your most expensive cosplay
24. Your most comfortable cosplay and most uncomfortable cosplay
25. The cosplay you put the most effort into
26. Any unfinished costumes? Will you ever finish them?
27. How many wigs do you own? Which is your favourite?
28. Where do you work on your cosplays and where do you store them when they’re done?
29. What is your favourite cosplay item? (eg. a pair of shoes, a wig)
30. Describe cosplay in three words. No more, no less.


cosplay, hakuouki, meme

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