This journal is semi-friends only, so please read this if you have any questions about
friending me:
Most of my fics are public so if you're looking to read these, no need to friend me! However, I do lock down the NC-17 ones, not for any noble reasons so much as to keep my sister from reading them (haha, hi, sis!). So if you're looking to read those, send me a request and I'll add you to the explicit fic friend's list. I also lock personal posts to friends only, so feel free to send a request if you're interested in reading those.
If you're just here for the non-NC-17 fics, no worries! Feel free to friend me, though if you don't drop a request here, I'll assume I don't need to friend you back.
ETA: I'm currently revising some fics before posting them on AO3, so I'll be locking those fics up until I'm done with that. I haven't made up my mind yet whether I'll be keeping the story-line intact and would like to avoid confusing readers who are savvy enough to find their way here for the rest of the fic. If I decide to change the story-line, I'll be sure to unlock the original posts here and leave them as is for posterity's sake (with a link to the AO3 version for those who would like to read the new edition, of course.) Thanks for your patience!
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